Spring Harvest @ Minehead Mon to Fri 13-17April 2020

Spring Harvest is a huge Christian festival and conference. There is something for everyone: those who are developing their faith, those who are

comfortable with their faith, and those wanting to explore their faith further. Once again a group from our Parish will be

attending next year’s Spring Harvest at Butlin’s in Minehead.

Spring Harvest is for everyone: those with young children, grown-up children or no children, literally anyone.

It is an amazing opportunity to worship God alongside a few thousand others, a place to strengthen your relationship with God, a place to witness the amazing work of God in action.

There is plenty on offer each day at Spring Harvest, for


¨ Start the day in the big top with Big Start, 30 minutes of all-age worship that plants the seed for the theme of the day.

¨ Children go off to their clubs for the morning – various groups from babies to 18-year-olds; they make new friendships while learning about following Jesus, singing, playing and reflecting on the day’s theme.

¨ Meanwhile a bible study begins in the big top for the

not-so-young: next year’s theme is the book of Acts.

In between there’s coffee, chat and occasionally bumping into old friends.

If you still have energy in the afternoon there are seminars that you may choose to attend - or just take some down-time locally on the beach, in the swimming pool, the play areas, the

bookshop or the eateries.

In the evening there is a smaller-scale all-age worship, followed by more children’s club activities and evening worship in the big top.

Once all this has been enjoyed you could attend the late

evening events when various bands, speakers and comedians perform ‘after hours’.

You do as much or as little as you choose.

As part of our group booking you have the choice of a range of accommodation; come as a family or take a room in an apartment shared with others from the parish.

Booking opens on the 26 June.

Please contact Charlie Blackett if you want to know more.

Listen to the podcast on Spring Harvest 2019 on our website.

We would love you to join us.

Tel: 01454 858846 or email charlieblackett17@gmail.com