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Inspire Youth Pilgrimage

On the 26th May, sixteen young people and eight adults from across the Yate and Fromeside Mission Area with some friends from

Fishponds, will begin their 62-mile walking pilgrimage from St Peter’s Church, Frampton Cotterell to the Cathedral in Salisbury. One of their aims is to show solidarity with the people of Salisbury who have suffered greatly over

the past year. The walk will take 5 days with the group staying in church or village halls on the way.

Pilgrimage is not just about walking a well-planned route, but is about exploration, questioning, challenging and surprises. For each person, although we are walking the same walk, the experience will be different and we hope will encourage

spiritual growth.

How can we support the young people?

  • You are welcome to join the young people on the first leg of their journey starting at St Peter’s Church, Frampton Cotterell, at the 10.30am Holy Communion service and then walking with us to Bitterwell Lake for a picnic (2 miles). From here you will be able to wave goodbye to the pilgrims as they start their adventure.

  • Donate chocolate bars to sustain the young people on their journey (see Gail)!

  • Keep us in your prayers.

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