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February E-Magazine 2024


Please click below for a printable copy of the magazine:

Come and See


Occasionally you hear a sermon that really speaks to you. The thing with being a priest is that you don’t hear many sermons apart from your own. But ln vocation Sunday the sermon did speak to me. The Gospel reading was the call of Philip and

Nathanael. Philip meets Jesus and answers his call to follow him. Later, Philip meets Nathanael and tells him that he has ‘found the one Moses had written about in the Law’. In other words, the messiah. Nathanael is sceptical and asks whether anything good can come out of Nazareth. Philip does not

argue with Nathanael - he just says, ‘Come and See’.


We often think about our lives as individuals as isolated people. Christianity has devolved into a hyper individual faith for many. Each of us thinks about me personally accepting Jesus or my relationship with Jesus. There is even a song, ‘My Jesus my saviour’. I think this is more a reflection of our individualised world where it’s me at the centre rather than anything to do with Jesus and our faith. To follow Jesus means to be part of a family, to be adopted into the family of God. In the first few chapters of the Gospels Jesus begins his ministry by creating a small community, a family of disciples. He spends three years teaching this community far more than he teaches publicly.

Jesus is creating the first Christian community which will begin the spread of the faith across the world and throughout time.


This first Christian community wasn’t perfect; in fact, they spent a lot of time arguing over who was the greatest. Jesus is often exasperated by them. In many ways this can feel familiar as today’s church is imperfect too. Nevertheless, Jesus chooses to express his love through his family by founding a

community. It was his hope that through the love for each

other expressed by his disciples, people would see Jesus. As

Jesus said, ‘By this will all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one for another’. This is our most basic calling: to be part of a community that loves one another. To be a

community that makes Jesus visible in the way that we live

together - not as isolated individuals but as a community



If we can create a community where we love each other, we will be proud to be part of that community. Philip is proud of being a follower of Jesus and of the small community that

follows him. This sense of pride enables him to invite Nathanael with the words, ‘Come and See’.



We each have a part to play in Church life, and working

together as the family of God is where we find Jesus in our midst. If we work together and contribute our time and talent to Church, we can reflect that love of Jesus and make him visible. At our baptism we all received a call on our lives. The call like Nathanael to be the person we were created to be. That could be a member of the choir, a warden, a children’s worker, tech team or visitor. Each of us has a special calling that knits

together to form a community we are proud of, a community we will naturally want others to ‘Come and See’.


Lent 2024

Entering into the Easter Story


This Lent we will be learning about and entering into the Easter Story, perhaps for some in a new way. We will learn about the meaning behind each of the services during Holy Week and ask ourselves the difficult question: Who am I in the Easter story? Stories are the way in which we connect with our past, present and future. They are a way of creating community and a shared story which can transform our lives together.


There is no story greater than the Easter story, it has all the greatness and flaws of humanity on show. The courage of

Jesus and Mary Magdalene, the cowardliness of Peter, and the indifference of Pilate. The Easter services on Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday re-enact this great story and enable us to ask ourselves: Who am I in this story? Each session will focus on one of the services, allowing us to enter the Easter story in a new way this year.


There are five sessions starting on 19th February. The course will be run by the home groups across the mission area; there are also sessions at 7:30pm on Mondays at St. Saviour’s and 2pm on Tuesdays at St. Nix.


1: Entering into a story

2: Palm Sunday: from hero to zero

3: Maundy Thursday: from celebration to despair

4: Good Friday: humanity at its best and worst

5: Easter: from creation to resurrection


Services throughout the Parish


Sunday 4th February

 2nd Sunday before Lent -  Green

Proverbs 8:1, 22-31   Colossians 1:15-20   John 1:1-14


St Mary           

         8.15am             Communion

         10.30am          Morning Worship (Parade Service)

         6.30pm             630 Praise        


St Nix      

         10.30am           Communion


St James

         10.30am           Communion


St Peter

         4.00pm             Evening Worship

                                    (Book of Common Prayer)



Sunday 11th February

 Sunday before Lent  -  Green

 2 Kings 2:1-12    2 Corinthians 4:3-6   Mark 9:2-9 


St Mary

         8.15am             Communion

         10.30am           Communion

         6.30pm             630 Praise        


St Nix                        

         10.30am           Morning Worship


St James

         10.30am           Morning Worship


St Peter                       

         4.00pm             Communion

                                    (Book of Common Prayer)






Sunday 18th February

1st Sunday of Lent  -  Purple

Genesis 9:8-17   1 Peter 3:18-end   Mark 1:9-15


St Mary

         8.15am             Communion

         10.30am          Morning Worship

         6.30pm             630 Praise        


St Nix

         10.30am           Communion


St James

         10.30am           Communion


St Peter

         4.00pm             Evening Worship

                                    (Book of Common Prayer)



Sunday 25th February

 2nd Sunday of Lent -  Purple

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16   Romans 4:13-end   Mark 8:31-end


St Mary

         8.15am             Communion

         10.30am          Communion

         6.30pm             630 Praise


St Nix

         10.30am           Morning Worship


St James

         10.30am           Morning Worship


St Peter                       

         4.00pm             Communion

                                    (Book of Common Prayer)











¨ Sunday 28th January, 6.30pm at

        St Mary’s Church – Joint Churches

  Celebration Service


¨ Tuesday 13th February, 6-8pm at

        St James’ Church – Shrove Tuesday     Pancakes. 

        Come along to enjoy freshly-made pancakes. 

        This is a drop-in event ending at 8pm.


¨ Wednesday 14th February -

        Ash Wednesday   Services:

        11am – Morning Worship Service at St James

        7.30pm – Communion Service at St Mary’s


¨ Saturday 24th February, 6pm at St Mary’s Church — Ukraine Vigil marking the 2nd Anniversary. 



Mother’s Union February 2024


Thanks to everyone for joining together at St Nix for the AGM and to Rev Ian for chairing the meeting. This month is time for our annual Lunch Out at The Lawns at noon on Thursday 15th February. It’s a great time to catch up with all our members.


We have a full year lined up with speakers, festivals, and fun fundraisers! So please save the 3rd Thursday for your MU meetings! 


Louisa Dent


ARUK Eco-Tips of February:


Go green for Lent. The weeks leading up to Easter are a time for self reflection,

repentance and emulating Jesus’ obedience to the Father. Is there something you’d like to give up or take up during Lent that will

enable you to reflect on God, contribute to our planet’s

well-being and enhance others’ lives through sustainable,

ecofriendly living? Explore some of these changes at



News from St James


With the very busy Christmas season behind us the

congregation in Westerleigh are gearing up for a new series of social events starting with pancakes in church on Shrove

Tuesday, 13th February between 6 and 8pm. Our next event will be the Lent Lunch on Saturday 16th March from 12-2pm, when you can enjoy a variety of home-made soups and donate to the Great Western Air Ambulance. The Friends of St James will then spring into action with their ever-popular village breakfasts on the second Saturday of each month starting on 13th April – come along and place your order any time between 9 and 11.45am.


All of these events are open to everyone, so please put them in your diary, and invite friends, neighbours and family to join you and enjoy good food and a very warm welcome in Westerleigh.


Mothers’ Union Project Prayers 

February 2024




At the heart of all our projects, everything done in the name of Mothers’ Union is done with love. We read in the Gospels how Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’ and that the second is similarly ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’.


Our focus on prayer and worship addresses the first and

enables us to grow in faith and to come closer to God as we make those prayerful connections. The second underpins all our actions, sharing God’s love with our communities and with all those we serve in our projects, in the Bristol Diocese and around the world.


Through our prayers, generous giving, and service we reach out with the love of God to families of prisoners, families of sick and disabled children, families in need, refugees, women sheltering from abuse, and the homeless. We campaign for a fairer world, equal rights and an end to violence and abuse.

Our thoughtful Mothers’ Union Prayer mentions love no less than four times. I include it now:


Loving Lord, we thank you for your love so freely given to us all. We pray for families around the world. Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union as we seek to share your love, through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life. Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen


Find out more: or:

Jacky Fredrickson MU DP Bristol





Thank You, Thank You,

Thank You.


A very big thank you from  Cancer Research UK.  A total of £50 was raised at Rita’s Mince Pie Day and Coffee @ 11.


This money may be used to buy 6 boxes of microscope slides. They are essential for the

scientists studying the workings of our cells which in turn helps them to make breakthroughs in their research.


Find out more about The Connection and Those Vicar Blokes on our website at yateparish,org under the heading Explore our Faith



A Weekly Group at St Nix

Friday Re:fresh runs from 09:30 - 10:30 on a Friday

during term-time held at St Nix.


A warm and welcoming group for adults and children (babies to

school age) to spend time together chatting, playing, singing and pondering a spiritual thought of the day. 





Morning prayer in Yate Parish

Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.


Weekly at St Mary’s

Thursday Communion at 10.00am


Compline @8pm

Before the lockdown happened, we had recorded the saying of Compline. We ask that each evening at 8pm we light a candle in our window and pray together for our nation using the words of the Compline service - it takes just over 5 minutes.

Visit the parish website and click on the recordings to listen; you will find the words of the service there too.



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