Holy Week

Please see below a list of all activities / Services available during Holy Week.
Please remember to book your seats for the Easter Sunday Services at St Mary's and St Nix by contacting Pam on either 07708 159409 or emailing parishoffice@yateparish.org.uk.
Easter Trail
Walk through St Mary’s Churchyard reflecting on the
Easter Story told by the witnesses
Holy Week Reflections
Find space for God by reflecting on the Easter Story
Monday 29th March Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st
all 7:30pm in St James
Maundy Thursday Supper
Thursday 1st April Communion
and Stripping of Altar 7:30pm all in St Nix
All Age Good Friday Service
A Good Friday service suitable for all the Family
9:30am at St Nix
Remembering Jesus on the Cross
Stations of the Cross
2pm till 3pm Online
Easter Cracked
A family friendly Easter Saturday service
which tells the Easter story through words, music and actions
Saturday 3 April 6:30pm at St Marys
Easter Sunday
Dawn Communion
6:30am at St Peters
8:15am Communion
10:00am Communion
At St Marys
10:30am Communion at St Nix
10:30am Communion at St James