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June E-Magazine 2023

In this edition:

  • Pentecost Reflection

  • SpreeSW

  • The Connection Podcast

  • Coffee @ 11am

  • Those Vicar Blokes

  • Trinity College open evening, Tuesday 6th June

  • Bristol Children's Hospital 'Friends for Parents'

  • Services throughout the Parish


Please click below for a printable copy of the magazine:



Pentecost Reflection As we are now in Pentecost, I would encourage us to use a reflection written by Eleanor Mumford (Vineyard Churches International) based on Luke’s Gospel 11:13: ‘How much more will your father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those that ask him’. Jesus knew well that the answer to our prayers for the Holy Spirit is to experience His power. His very last words to His followers on the brink of His Ascension and in anticipation of Pentecost was that they would receive the ‘much more,’ the power of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit would edify and encourage, to enable and equip for ministry and mission. The central motif of all Jesus’ teaching was the kingdom of God, the breaking-in of the rule and reign of God on the earth. Jesus doesn’t just announce the Kingdom of God, in Him the Kingdom of God arrives. Many are healed, the hungry are fed, the lost are found. But while the Kingdom has begun, it is not fully here – God’s world is still characterised by pain, injustice, and death. There is the magnificence of its triumphs alongside the mystery of its tragedies. The promise of Acts 1:8 was that we would receive the power of the Holy Spirit to witness to Jesus and God’s Kingdom from one end of the earth to the other. Even though the Kingdom is only partially here, we long for its full coming, and in the meantime rely on the ‘much more’ of the Father who gives the Spirit to all who ask. Why not, this very week, ask in faith for the ‘much more’ of the Holy Spirit, so that you are able to witness to the life-changing work of God? And then offer to pray for a friend or a neighbour, a colleague in the workplace, someone at school or at college. Remember that our responsibility is to pray for people out of our love for and obedience to Jesus, who always wants us to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. Pause and pray ‘Come Holy Spirit’ over yourself and the five people you have been praying for.

Taken out of Thy Kingdom Come Day 11 Prayer Journal – Pentecost by Eleanor Mumford. Over the years of attending New Wine Bible weeks, I have listened to many of Eleanor’s sermons. She has always been a great encourager to me with her teachings, so I wanted to share this with you. May you know the gift of the Holy Spirit, given to all believers. Amen Revd Wanda Morris


SpreeSW On the weekend of 23 to 25 June we are offering a Camping and Activity weekend away for young people at Westpoint in Devon. The event is run by Urban Saints and SWYM for youth leaders to enjoy a weekend away with young people. A small number of us are planning to go and we have spaces for others to join us – it’s open to ages 8 to 17. Activities include funfair, archery, chill zone and climbing along with 5 streams of worship and teaching plus much more! For more information about booking contact Charlie or to see what the event is about. Charlie Blackett - Youth Missioner


The Connection Podcast Connecting you to the life of the church community within the Parish of Yate and the Fromeside benefice. As illustrated in the logo, this podcast is about connecting everyone to church life within Yate and Fromeside. The podcast isn’t new, it has evolved over several years. It started as an experiment, covering local and national events of interest, and it grew into a further Bible study resource. Content was varied and included items from Yate Parish and the Fromeside Benefice. However, Covid 19 put a stop to this activity, and the podcast team’s time and skills were utilised elsewhere. The vision of this reboot is to ensure it supports and enables the following mission covenant: · Building relationships within the community · Being generous, gracious and welcoming in all that they do · Being honest and open with each other · Changing attitudes, practices and behaviours to advance God's Kingdom here · Encouraging and affirming each other · Sharing with and learning from each other - including events and resources as appropriate · Loving each other with understanding and respect The Podcast will also enable us to make Jesus visible. Material Audio coverage will be captured from content within the newsletters and notices, events that have happened or are planned. Instead of reinventing the wheel we shall be bringing this form of established communication alive to the listeners. Logistics Episodes will go out monthly, around the time the newsletter goes to print. They will be hosted by Justin Blackett, plus one other guest host now and then. Content will also include music from services including 630 Praise, and a monthly Prayer. Audio can be submitted by any of the Yate Parish or Fromeside benefice team, and will be edited for inclusion.

The podcast may also provide additional episodes, called The Connection Plus, to include things like: Audio from 630 Praise, including the talks Additional sermons Coverage of events in and around the mission area. Future developments could include a youth edition, baptism preparation or Home Group education. Podcasting in the United Kingdom has become more and more popular since lockdown, and providing this resource to our communities will empower people to come closer to church. Making our church community more accessible and understood will nurture people to get to know Jesus better.


Coffee @ 11am Thank you to everyone who came to the Coronation-themed Coffee @ 11 at St Mary’s. Please join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month for coffee, cake and a chat.


THOSE VICAR BLOKES To listen to ‘Those Vicar Blokes’ every Friday search ‘Those Vicar Blokes’ on google or go to The last few episodes included: * The Archbishop of Canterbury, Ecumenical Relationships and Eurovision * Coronation Special and Ozark. * Why the Bible is relevant today and I’m a Celeb South Africa * Bad Cops and Married at First Sight * Trump, Holy Week and Breaking Bad * Jerusalem, Why did Jesus Die? and The Cleaner * Fake News, What is Easter? and Cults


Trinity College open evening, Tuesday 6 June Trinity College in Stoke Bishop offers part-time courses leading to a Foundation Award and Certificate in Theology, Ministry and Mission. The college, in partnership with the Relay Trust, can offer fully-funded scholarships, particularly aimed at those who might struggle to meet the cost of fees or are otherwise disadvantaged. The scholarships are for candidates who either live in or are intending to serve in the South-West. Applications from candidates of a UKME background or other under-represented groups and those with learning difficulties are particularly welcome. We will provide comprehensive study support to any students on Relay Scholarships. All applicants for part-time study with a connection with the South-West will be automatically considered for a Relay Scholarship. To learn more about the courses, visit the website: If you would like to attend the open evening please register by contacting



BRISTOL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL ‘FRIENDS FOR PARENTS’ Project Prayers - June Did you know? Imagine the worry and shock of finding yourself in the Bristol Children’s Hospital with your sick child. Your child is admitted and is sleeping. You go into the adjoining room for parents and find all you need to make yourself a mug of tea or coffee. This is so welcome! So how did the tea, coffee and sugar get there? Mothers’ Union members across the Bristol Diocese donate jars of coffee and packs of tea bags to the group: ‘Friends for Parents’ who distribute these into the parents’ rooms. We also help fund emergency toiletries for parents who find themselves suddenly in hospital without having had time to pick up these essentials. ‘Friends for Parents’ are also a presence on the wards, offering friendship and support at a time of great need. If you would like to donate items for this Mothers’ Union Project, please leave them on the MU table in St Mary’s Church or give to any MU member, and they will be delivered. A PRAYER FOR THE ‘FRIENDS FOR PARENTS’ PROJECT Father God, we ask that you will be close to the children who are sick and needing medical attention in the Bristol Children’s Hospital. Be with the parents and families at this difficult and worrying time. Help children and their parents to be courageous and patient and to put their trust in You, and in the skill and expertise of the medical teams. Lord, thank you for the ‘Friends for parents’ organiser and volunteers, be close to them as they carry out this service in your name. God bless the generous gifts of tea and coffee. We pray that this service will continue long into the future. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. For more information contact Jacky: 07501670265


St James Church 9am - 11am Westerleigh Village Breakfast Saturday 3 June Saturday 8 July Saturday 12 August Come to St James in Westerleigh to enjoy a full English breakfast freshly-cooked for you. Spend time with old friends and new. Lighter and vegetarian options available. After breakfast you may like to join a small group setting off for a country walk at 11am.



Services throughout the Parish Sunday 4 June Trinity Sunday —Gold or White Isaiah 40:12-17,27-end 2 Corinthians 13:11-end Matthew 28:16-end St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am All-Age Parade Service 6.30pm 630 Praise St Nix 10.30am Communion St James 10.30am Communion St Peter 4.00pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer) Sunday 11 June 1st Sunday after Trinity—Green Hosea 5:15-6.6 Romans 4:13-end Matthew 9:9-13,18-26 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion 6.30pm 630 Praise St Nix 10.30am Morning Worship St James 10.30am All-Age Service with Baptism St Peter 6.30am Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

Sunday 18 June 2nd Sunday after Trinity—Green Exodus 19:2-8a Romans 5:1-8 Matthew 9:35-10:8[9-23] St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am All-Age Service with Baptism 6.30pm 630 Praise St Nix 10.30am Communion St James 10.30am Communion St Peter 6.30pn Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer) Sunday 25 June 3rd Sunday after Trinity—Green Jeremiah 20:7-13 Romans 6:1b-11 Matthew 10:24-39 PRAISE IN THE PARK—No other morning Services St Mary’s 6.30pm 630 Praise St Peter 6.30pm St Peter’s Patronal Festival Archdeacon Christopher to Preach/Preside


Join a community of women in St Mary’s Church at 11am every Friday (term time only). Mammas Club is a drop in café for you and your family. Come along and enjoy the company of other women on the journey of parenthood. We will have tea, coffee and light bites!

Third Saturday of every month 10am at St Mary’s Youth Centre. Come for breakfast with the children. Toys and chat, share precious time with the little ones.



Morning prayer in Yate Parish

Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.


Weekly at St Mary’s

Thursday Communion at 10.00am


Compline @8pm

Before the lockdown happened, we had recorded the saying of Compline. We ask that each evening at 8pm we light a candle in our window and pray together for our nation using the words of the Compline service - it takes just over 5 minutes.

Visit the parish website and click on the recordings to listen; you will find the words of the service there too.



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