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September E-Magazine 2021

In this edition of E-Magazine we have:

  • Spiritual Reflection Dawlish Retreat July 2021

  • Iain MacFarlane's Leaving Lunch - 5th September

  • Hospital and Care Home Chaplains

  • Midweek Communion at St James

  • Sealed Bids Auction for St Mary's Roof Appeal

  • Ride & Stride Heritage Day

  • Sunburst

  • Coffee Morning at St Mary's

  • Church Administrator for Christ the Rock, Yate

  • Support Parkinson's UK

  • Breakfast at St James

  • Harvest Auction

  • Autumn Supper & Quiz

  • Going Deeper with God

  • Pilgrimage to Gloucester Cathedral

  • Services Throughout the Parish

  • Morning Prayer in Yate

  • Compline at 8pm

  • DailyHope Phone Line details

For a full printable magazine click the file below


Spiritual Reflection

Dawlish Retreat July 2021

Day 1 As I set up my candle for Evening Prayer I realised that I had nothing suitable to put alongside it. At first I was disappointed that I hadn’t brought something from home, but then reflected that an empty table was actually very appropriate for the beginning of a retreat. It represented my empty mind, ready to listen to what God would have to say to me over the next few days. So my table is not empty, but full of potential!

Day 2 I walked along the beach to Dawlish Warren, scouring the sand for some perfect shells to accompany my candle. But I couldn’t find any! There were plenty of damaged, cracked and broken fragments, but none I deemed worthy to offer to God. As I walked, I suddenly realised that whilst God demands the very best from us, we are far from perfect when we come before him in worship. If we were to wait until we were perfect before approaching God, we would never make it! So I collected some of the damaged shells to put on my table, along with some whole ones and some pebbles I found later in the day.

Day 3 I walked the opposite way along the beach, still thinking about the shells. In reality, none of the shells I had collected were whole – each should have contained an animal, and some should have had an opposite shell inside which it could be safe, buried in the sea bed or anchored to a rock. But for whatever reason, here they were, empty and broken, lying on the sand. he fragmented shells had been tossed around by the sea among the pebbles, constantly rolled to and fro in the waves. Most had lost their other half, but I noticed that some that had once had sharp edges had been smoothed, polished by the action of the sea.

What was God saying to me? In actual fact, none of the shells I had collected were perfect; none were as God had intended them to be. It’s the same with us. Like the shells on my table we are not as God intended us to be. We are broken, chipped, cracked. We’ve been damaged by others, by life’s knocks along the way. Many of us bear the scars of ordeals we have endured. Some of these scars are still raw and jagged, but others have been smoothed by time.

In Matthew’s Gospel we read,

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (NIV)

What a tall order! None of us is perfect. Only Jesus is perfect, and we strive to follow his example. There’s nothing to stop us reaching for the stars to attain as near perfection as we can! Like Moses, David and Jonah, like Peter, Zacchaeus and the woman at the well we are called to be who we are with all our flaws and faults and imperfections, knowing that God will use us as we are, warts and all, to his eternal glory. We just need to listen out for that call.

Rev Joanne Hodge


Iain Macfarlane's leaving lunch 5 September

We are planning a bring-and-share lunch for Iain and his family in appreciation for all his service to our community. This will follow the 10.30am service at St Nicholas on Sunday 5 September. There is no limit on numbers so no need to book. The lunch will be set out in the church hall but let’s hope for nice weather so that we can eat outside.

There is a list at St Nix for people to indicate what food they intend to bring. Anyone who prefers not to share is welcome to bring their own picnic and drinks.

Pam and Christine are co-ordinating a collection for Iain. You may contribute in any of the following ways:

By Direct Transfer to the PCC Account:

The Parish of Yate PCC

Sort Code 30-12-04

Account Number 01552206

Use the reference ‘IAIN’

You can also pay in cash or make a cheque payable to St Nicholas Church and send or deliver to Anne White

at St Nix

Or send or take your donation to:

Parish Office

St Mary's Youth Centre

Church Road

Yate BS37 5BG


Hospital and Care Home Chaplains

Imagine finding yourself in hospital for the first time in your life. You are used to being in control of everything that affects you, perhaps as someone that many people ‘lean on’, but now you find yourself depending upon others. This may be the first time you have ever had to face your own mortality. A stay in hospital can be very bewildering, a time to shift perspectives.

You may have good friends and family to support you alongside the medical staff, but a chaplain occupies a unique place to help. It may be simply pastoral; a listening ear with no judgement or agenda is powerful and deceptively healing. Sometimes family is just ‘too close’ to talk about the important things, and medical staff are … well, medical. A chaplain can be that ‘inbetweener’ you might need in that particular moment.

Perhaps the issue is spiritual: your mortality, your purpose in life, your sudden weakness when you have been so strong throughout your life. Maybe you have some need of a religious person: the baptism of your baby, an emergency marriage, a bespoke religious service to mark something important for you and your family, end-of-life rites commending you or your loved one to God, a conversation about your faith.

I am so grateful that my colleagues in Yate and the diocese have allowed me to work at the BRI two days a week for the last four months. I have learned so much, and enjoyed being part of an excellent team led by Rev. Mark Read. From 23 September I will be working there permanently. In addition I will be working three days per week at the Methodist Housing Association Care Home in Hartcliffe. I think it is wonderful that the biggest provider of care homes in the UK sees fit to employ a chaplain at each centre. This will enable me to use what I have learned in parish and chaplaincy work in a more stable community situation.

The care home is very near my new home: 21 Rowberrow, Whitchurch, BS14 0AD. You are welcome to drop in for a cup of tea. I do hope you can attend my last service in the parish at St Nicholas on 5 September. If you would like to attend my Zoom licensing 10am Wednesday 15 September, let me know and I will send you a link. The Parish of Yate has been an extremely significant part of my life (nearly 19 years!) and I will take into this new chapter of my life many happy memories and much friendship. Thank you for your part in that.

Rev Iain Macfarlane


Midweek Communion at St James

Starting on Wednesday 1 September at 11am, following the coffee morning.

At the centre of the Christian faith are two tables, the communion table and the community table. We are fed spiritually at communion so we can feed the community in acts of fellowship and kindness.

From September we will be holding a short communion service in St James following the coffee morning. This gives us an opportunity to feed our souls and share spiritual fellowship with each other.


For much more see our webpage

Listen to our Parish Podcast where we interview people in the parish and discuss Christian topics and events.


Sealed bids auction for St Mary’s roof appeal

On hearing that we are trying to raise funds for the repair of St. Mary's roof, a former Rector, Revd. David Sutch, has very kindly donated a painting of St. Mary's for sale to the highest bidder. A copy of the painting is shown on the back of this magazine and the original can be viewed at the back of St Mary's Church. The painting will be sold to the person who submits the highest sealed bid to the Parish Office before midnight on Thursday 30 September. Your bid should include your name, address and a contact telephone number together with the amount that you are willing to pay for the painting, and should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Painting auction". We will contact the highest bidder during the first few days of October. In the unlikely event that two or more people offer identical top bids then we will contact all those people to see if they would like to increase their bid. The funds raised will go towards phase 2 of the roof restoration.


Ride+Stride Heritage Day

This year we are holding a heritage open week from 11 to 19 September. Booklets about the history of St Mary’s will be available along with an audio tour of the church showing you the fascinating history of the building and how it has been a central part of Yate for nearly 800 years - everything from the Tudors to the First World War.

On 11 September between 10am and 4pm tea and cake will be served in church. There will be a walk along the Frome

Valley Walkway to Old Sodbury, setting off at 10am from St Mary’s, in support of Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust.


Sunburst relaunches on Sunday 12 September

New Time; New Place!

We meet in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am and then go across to the Youth Centre.

For children, their parents, grandparents or carers.

A time of creative worship, with singing, stories, arts and crafts.

We look forward to meeting with you.

More info from Beverley and Ian on 07913387478.

Look out for the Sunburst Rabbit as part of the Cranleigh Court Hub Rabbit Trail. Date to be confirmed.


A New Venture!

Coffee Morning at St Mary’s

Tuesday 14 September

11.00am – 12.30pm

Join us for a drink, a cake and a chat

The team who used to do Lunch at One are back! But not as before.

Our New Venture is a Coffee Morning to be held at St Mary's on the second Tuesday of each month.

Time from 11.00 till 12.30. Drinks and Cakes will be served and there will be plenty of chat.

There will be no set charge but donations will go to St Mary's church.

The first one will be on 14 September.

Please join us. If you need transport or more information please ring Lyn Bulley on 01454 323928


Church Administrator for Christ the Rock Yate

Christ the Rock Christian Fellowship (CtR) is seeking a gifted, experienced and skilled administrator on a flexible, part-time basis to support their ministry. The role would suit an organised, reliable individual with strong communication skills and a concern for detail. The post is for 15 hours per week, with some flexibility around schedule. For more information please contact the church office on 01454 326395 or


Support Parkinson’s UK

The South West branch of Parkinson’s UK are organising a sponsored walk in Ashton Court on Sunday 10th October. To find out more, go to their website:


Breakfast at St James

Don’t miss the final village breakfast of 2021 on Saturday 11 September between 9 and 11am. Full cooked breakfast or lighter options in good company, this time raising money for Gloucestershire Historic Trust on their annual Ride+Stride day. There will be an optional guided walk setting off at 11am.


The Westerleigh Harvest Auction

The Westerleigh Harvest Auction will take place on Saturday 11 September in the New Inn, from 7pm. Donations of produce are invited to make this a successful event. You will also be able to see the latest plans for the church enhancement project, which is now moving on after the long lockdown



Autumn Supper and Quiz

The St James autumn supper will take

place in Westerleigh Village Hall on

Saturday 30 October.

Tickets will be on sale in October.


Going Deeper with God

Tuesday 14th September, 7:30pm at St Nix

Have you ever wanted to learn more about the Christian faith but been unsure how to ask? Do you wonder what Home Groups are and what they are for?

In September we are holding an evening in St Nix to celebrate everything great about home groups, how they help us deepen our relationship with God and our friends and how we can come back together after a long lockdown. We will start with a short communion service, then over tea and cake we’ll share our experience of home groups. Each leader will have information about their group and be ready to explain what makes their group special.

The evening is open to everyone, whether you are in a home group or just want to learn more about going deeper with God.


Pilgrimage to Gloucester Cathedral

Saturday 9 October, departing from St Mary’s at 9am. In June we went on a pilgrimage to Tintern Abbey, walking through the tunnel and out into the sunshine. By popular demand we have arranged another pilgrimage, this time from the church of Rudford to Gloucester Cathedral. The walk is about 6 miles along an easy path with no steep hills. We will stop for a picnic in one of the parks enroute and finish inside the Cathedral.

For more information or to book a place contact Hywel on 07539 069811 or


Services throughout the Parish

Sunday 5 September

Trinity 14—Green

Isaiah 35:4-7a James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17 Mark 7:24-37

St Mary

8.15am Communion

10.30am Morning Worship - live stream

6.30pm 630Praise

St Nix

10.30am Communion

St James

10.30am Communion

St Peter

6.30pm Evening Worship

(Book of Common Prayer)

630Praise is back in church from

Sunday 5 September 6.30pm

Sunday 12 September

Trinity 15—Green

Isaiah 50:4-9a James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38

St Mary

8.15am Communion

10.30am Communion - live stream

6.30pm 630Praise

St Nix

10.30am Morning Worship

St James

10.30am Morning Worship

St Peter

6.30pm Communion

(Book of Common Prayer)

Sunday 19 September

Trinity 16—Green

Jeremiah 11:18-20 James 3:13 - 4:3, 7-8a Mark 9:30-37

St Mary

8.15am Communion

10.30am Morning Worship - live stream

6.30pm 630Praise

St Nix

10.30am Communion

St James

10.30am Communion

St Peter

6.30pm Evening Worship

(Book of Common Prayer)

Sunday 26 September

Trinity 17—Green

Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50

St Mary

8.15am Communion

10.30am Communion - live stream

6.30pm 630Praise

St Nix

10.30am Morning Worship

St James

10.30am Morning Worship

St Peter

6.30pm Communion

(Book of Common Prayer)


Morning prayer in Yate Parish

Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.


Weekly at St Mary’s

Thursday Communion at 10.00am


Compline @8pm

Before the lockdown happened, we had recorded the saying of Compline. We ask that each evening at 8pm we light a candle in our window and pray together for our nation using the words of the Compline service - it takes just over 5 minutes.

Visit the parish website and click on the recordings to listen; you will find the words of the service there too.


DailyHope phone line

DailyHope, a free national telephone line, offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of the phone. A Church of England initiative in partnership with CONNECTIONS at Holy Trinity Claygate, and Faith in Later Life. The line – which is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 – has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services during the period of restrictions in mind; to provide comfort and spiritual nourishment to the most isolated in our society.


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