St Nix 40th Birthday Celebration 10th June
You are warmly invited to the 40th Anniversary of Saint Nicholas Church on Sunday 10th June 2018 for a Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration at 10:30am. Bishop Lee will be giving the address and weather permitting, we hope to hold the service outside in Abbotswood Shopping Precinct. Please stay for lunch after the service.
Have you been baptised in St Nicholas Church?
Did you come to Sunday School here or to Family Service with the Uniformed Organisations?
Did you belong to a Sunday evening Youth Group such as Magnet?
We would love to see you at the service and exchange memories.
A warm welcome awaits you.
We are having a Barn Dance with live music by Woodbine which includes a cheese ploughman’s supper on Saturday 9th June 2018 from 7pm – 10pm. Tickets cost £8 for adults and £5 for children. A bar is available and there will be a raffle.
Last year we all had a very enjoyable time and we are expecting that a lot of people will want to come so please get your ticket early. It is a ticket only event.
RSVP for both events these events to Moira Jenkins 07788111626
or email: Moira