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Charlie is our Youth Missioner and heads up the children, youth and family work across the Yate & Fromeside Mission Area.

Contact Charlie:


Children, Families and Young people


There is Family worship every sunday at St Mary's Church.

The 1st Sunday of the month is an All Age Service in Church starting at 10:30, the other Sundays we meet in church at 10:30 stay in the main service for a short time and then go as a Sunburst Group across to the youth centre for a time of creative worship for children and supervising grown up for a bible story, songs, crafts and fun.

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Praise & Play

Action Songs, stories and fun for pre school children and their parent's /carer's/ grandparents.

Tea/ coffee and snacks available

Monday 2-3pm during Term Time at St Mary's

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Friday Re:Fresh

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Messy Church

Messy Church is a way of being Church.. but not as you know it!

For all the family, a time for games before a short introduction to the theme, this leads into a period of creativity to explore the theme. Ending in a short celebration with songs, prayer and short story. We then join together for a sit-down meal.

4th Saturday of each month

4:00 till 6:00 pm

at St Nix


Who let the Dads Out ?

For Dad's, Grandad's, Male Guardian's or father figure's

A great opportunity to meet other men, form friendships and for children to have fun together over breakfast baps and toys.

2nd Saturday of each month

from 10am at St Mary's

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Rooted Youth

It's a place to make friends and play games whilst exploring faith. 

During each session we have a tuck shop and a short talk to learn more about Jesus and what it means to follow him

1st Sunday of the month  6:30 -8pm in St Mary's Youth Centre

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