What is Holy Week
Holy Week is the time between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, it is the most important week of the year for the Christians. During this time many of us make a special effort in our prayer life. Fasting may seem a little strange today but it is a central part of Christian practice. We fast during Holy week as part of our prayer life to help us remember the sufferings of Jesus on the cross. The little bit of hunger we feel prompts us to remember Jesus as he prepares and undergoes Good Friday.
How can I try Fasting?
It can be as simple as missing out snacks during the week, choosing a smaller lunch or even missing a whole meal. The most important thing is to make this part of our prayer. When we pray commit our fast to a special intention. This could be for a person we know a situation within the world or our own needs. Also and most importantly, it is a physical reminder that Jesus suffers with us in our world and that through that suffering he has saved us.
Below are a set of prayers and readings that you can use during Holy Week
Palm Sunday:
Psalm 118 v19-24 Mark 11v1-11
Monday of Holy Week
Psalm 36 v5-11 John 12v1-11
Tuesday of Holy Week
Psalm 71v1-14 John 20v20-36
Wednesday of Holy Week
Psalm 70 Luke 22v1-7
Maundy Thursday
Psalm 116v12-19 Luke 22v14-23
Good Friday
Psalm 22v1-11 Mark 15v33-41
Holy Saturday
Psalm 63 Mark 15v42-47
Easter Sunday
Psalm 149 Matthew 28v1-10