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An update on Val Macfarlane, Iain's wife.

Val has returned home after a two week stay in hospital. She is in good spirits and is very pleased at being home again. Whilst in hospital, her mobility has decreased noticeably, and she needs more practical help in everyday tasks. She may find it impossible to attend church in the near future. We, her family, will also need to give her more of our attention over the coming months.

Val has decided not to continue travelling to London for her regular immunotherapy treatment at Hammersmith hospital, much to her relief - it was becoming an exhausting ordeal for her. This means that the only medical treatment she will be receiving from now on is palliative. It also means that Val can focus simply on enjoying life. We continue to marvel at the extensive treatment received at the hands of the NHS, and at the immense kindness, competence and patience of its many staff who have helped us. From the consultant to the tea lady, and the many different kinds of nurses, we have nothing but praise for them all.

None of this should impact George and my own involvement in the Palestinian Marathon at the end of this month. You are very welcome to sponsor us at our Just Giving pages to support the excellent local charities there.

If you would like to visit Val at home, you are most welcome. However, I'd be grateful if you could contact Val or myself beforehand in order to manage her fatigue.

Thank you for all the very practical help you have given Val and her family these last three years. This is help gratefully received and which we will continue to rely on. Thank you also for your many prayers which have tangibly held us in God's healing love. If you have prayed for us in the past then you may wish to review how you pray for us from now on. No doubt, prayer for healing demonstrates great faith, but no more than the prayer for Godly living, a holy death and the Resurrection. We are so glad to be rooted in Christ. And we are so glad to be part of a parish of kind, loving and Christian people. What we are going through at the moment is by no means unique and something that many of you have experienced first hand. We're nothing special. And yet the love you have shown us in acts great and small makes the love of Jesus visible to us and makes us feel very special indeed. We love you as much as you love us. Thank you.

Iain Macfarlane

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