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A message for Sunburst Families this VE Day

Hi all

Are you celebrating VE day on Friday? We are aiming to have scones and afternoon tea and, hopefully, having a chat with our neighbours at a suitable distance. The weather looks like it will be good.

The colours in the gardens are stunning at the moment and the birds seem to be chirping their hearts out. Lots to give thanks for in the midst of everything.

Once again there are some links for ideas for Sunburst at Home.

In the Church at Home link (see below) there are links to an animated version of the Story of the 2 builders, a Bible Chat mat, and the song ‘City on a Hill’

There are 2 bits from the Bible to read

Psalm 31

Matthew 7: 24 -27

Psalm 31 is in the middle of the Bible and Matthew is the 1st book in the New Testament.

If you go on you will find loads of different versions of the Bible. I would recommend New International Version, New Living Translation, Good News Translation or The Message. You could, if you want to, read in Spanish, French, Greek or other languages!!

There are lots of ideas about building dens in this week’s Church at Home. Have fun!


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