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A statement from the Yate Parish Ministry Team in the light of the recent death of George Floyd

A statement from the Yate Parish Ministry Team in the light of the recent death of George Floyd in Minneapolis , and recent protests in Bristol.

We worship and serve the true and living God who made all people equal in his sight, regardless of race, religion, or sexuality, and whose heart has a special place for the marginalised and downtrodden. The central command of Jesus is to "love one another as I have loved you." (John 13: 34). Through baptism we are one in Christ Jesus and belong to one another (Gal.3:26-29). As one body we feel the pain of our brothers and sisters in Christ, yet we serve the Prince of Peace and do not condone violence of any kind.

Lord God, creator of all people,

may your Son who suffered the inhumanity of the cross,

comfort us in our anxiety and in our horror,

in times that take our breath away.

May your Holy Spirit inspire us to repentance

and to action in dismantling the virus of racism

from within the Church, our nation and our world.


Prayer written by The Revd. Canon Jeremy Bunden, Rector of St. George's Beckenham

and BAME Adviser to the Bishop of Rochester


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