An Announcement from Ian Wallace

I am delighted to be able to announce that, following her recent interview, Gail has been appointed as Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of Kew Stoke and Wick St. Lawrence in Bath & Wells Diocese. The benefice is just to the north of Weston-super-Mare and is bounded on one side by the Bristol Channel. Gail clearly impressed the interview panel greatly and they were unanimous in deciding that the gifts that she brings and the experience she has gained her in Yate were just what they were looking for.
As yet we don't have a date for Gail's final service here in Yate, but we will be organising a farewell at some point and will let you have more information in due course. In the meantime please pray for Gail, Mark, Jacob, Charlie and Matthew as they prepare for their move from Yate and for their new life in Kew Stoke. I am sure that the residents of Gail's new parish will be greatly blessed by the rich ministry that she will have among them.