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Church Open During Lockdown

Last night the UK went into another Lockdown, this is difficult news for us all. I've written a message about our Christian response which you can find here.

The Government and the Church have stated that public worship is still allowed during this lockdown. The Bishop has left the decision whether or not to open for public worship to each parish. You can read the Church's guidance here. In conversation with the Wardens and the Ministry team, we have agreed to open as normal for public worship on Sunday.

It must be emphasized that if you are within a vulnerable group to think carefully about the risks of coming to church.

The online services will continue as normal which you can access via our church online site

The online service will come from St James this Sunday at 10:30

All the covid measures will still be in place as usual, but we have been asked to emphasize that we must socially distance from when we arrive and not linger after the service has ended.

St Mary's roof repairs begin next week so the church will be closed for public worship from 13th Jan and will re-open when the repairs are completed. We will discuss alternative worship arrangements in light of the new Lockdown next week. We will let everyone know when these arrangements have been made.

Services on Sunday and going forward in Lockdown

St Mary's 10 am

St Nix 10:30 am

St James' 10:30 am (live-streamed)

St Peters 4:00 pm

630 Praise (Online)



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