Holy Week & Easter Services
Please note that the Agape Supper is now 6.30pm at St Nix and the Stripping of the Altar at St Mary's is at 9.15pm.

Holy Week Reflections
Holy Week is the most important moment in the Christian year, when we follow Jesus through the last week of his earthly life. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday when Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph; by Good Friday the crowd has turned on him and calls for his blood. Holy Week shows the best and the worst of humanity. The people in the Holy Week story are not bad guys or good guys, they are disturbingly familiar, flawed people like us. This year for our Holy Week reflections we will travel with Jesus through the events of Holy Week, retelling the story from the point of view of people who witnessed it. On Monday 11, Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 April we are holding reflections at St Mary’s focusing on the different events of Holy Week. Starting on Palm Sunday and going through to Jesus’ death on Good Friday we will reflect on how people felt as they witnessed these events. Told from the point of view of Judas, Mary and other witnesses.
Holy Week Reflections at 7.30pm in St Mary’s
Monday 11 April
Tuesday 12 April
Wednesday 13 April
Maundy Thursday Agape Meal
On Maundy Thursday we celebrate the Last Supper, where Jesus gives us the gift of communion and washes the disciples’ feet. In St Nix’s we will hold a meal to remember the last supper, eating together as disciples of Jesus, just like the first ones did 2000 years ago. During the meal we will use the same prayers as Jesus did and remember the events of the Last Supper. The meal begins at 6:30pm so don’t eat before. After the meal the mood changes as we strip the altar in St Nix’s and teams will go to the different churches to strip the altars there.
If you would like to help with the cooking of the meal please email Hywel@yateparish.org.uk
Maundy Thursday Supper at St Nix 14 April at 6:30pm
