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July E-Magazine 2022

In this edition:

  • Spiritual Reflection

  • St Peter's Church, Wapley

  • Rooted Summer BBQ Party

  • Have you heard of the Parish Giving Scheme

  • An Interview with Rev Wanda Morris

  • Rev Joanne Hodge

  • Thy Kingdom Come - Thank You

  • Mothers' Union News July 2022

  • All-Age Service

  • Llangasty Christian Retreat

  • Dates for your Diary

  • Services throughout the Parish

  • Yate and Fromeside Mission Area


Please click below for a printable copy of the magazine:



Spiritual Reflection

Dawlish Retreat July 2021 ii.

As I walked along the beach at Dawlish it was sunny, then the sky clouded over and it began to rain. A little further and the rain stops, the clouds clear and the sun shines again. Everything starts to dry. As I look out to sea I can see the showers that have soaked me moving out across the water. As I look the other way I can see more showers coming my way, ready to soak me again as they move out to sea. Twice I have managed to find relative shelter, and as I’m not made of sugar, I have survived. I could have been caught out in the open – there’s no shelter along the sea wall, nor at the nature reserve from which I am returning. But I could see the clouds approaching, giving me time to act. I reflected that this is a bit like life. Sometimes we can see the storm clouds approaching and we have time to prepare by asking God to protect us from the worst of the storm. Sometimes we can’t see the rain coming, and we get caught out in the open, having to take the worst that life has to bring. At this point we just have to throw ourselves upon God’s mercy and ask that he will give us the courage and strength to face what’s upon us, and to get us through safely. There are also times when we can see the storm coming, but can find no shelter. We know that we will just have to face into it and take what comes. Are these the times when God is testing us and searching our soul? As I continue my journey along the beach I can see that the tide is going out, leaving a pristine beach, flat and clean, punctuated by only those rocks that are too heavy for the tide to claim. People start to come onto the growing area of sand, and with them the seagulls, ever watchful for an opportunity to steal a meal. The wind ruffles their feathers, but they hold their ground. The rain clouds have moved on, and the sea changes from grey to turquoise, with flashes of sunlight reflecting off the waves. The beach is full of families having their lunch and building their sandcastles. Stumps are erected for games of cricket. Some teenagers are skimming pebbles into the waves. Several dog walkers pass by, their dogs frolicking in the waves. Soon that flat sand is full of footprints, sandcastles and moats. Inevitably, the tide turns, and the beach begins to shrink. As the approaching waves break and recede, the footprints and the sandcastles are gently washed away, leaving a once more pristine, flat surface. I ponder on this, and come to the realisation that God has shown me that I have to put the bad stuff behind me and let him, like the waves on the beach, wash the past away and start again with a clean sheet – or beach! Different marks will be made on the beach, but with each tide I can start over again. I have to learn not to make the same mistakes, however. Our God is a forgiving God, and his forgiveness is an outworking of the compassion and grace we receive from him. God is forgiving in all things, who would not want anyone to perish. His mercies are from sunset to sunset; there is no end. He is patient, kind and loving. No matter what we have done, He is ready to forgive. God’s love for us will never fail.

33 “I will put my law in their mind and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbour, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, ”declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Jeremiah 31:33-34)

Rev Joanne Hodge


St Peter's Church, Wapley

People have worshipped here

for more than 760 years

St Peter’s is a church with a faithful, traditional, caring congregation, who are very blessed with members who clean and prepare for services each week. We are grateful to the organists, bell ringers and flower arrangers, not forgetting the clergy, and we have just held a successful fund-raising social event. The parish council maintain the graveyard, their aim is to support St Peter’s Church and encourage the natural features, the birds, the trees, and the flowers in all seasons. St Peter’s Church has a traditional 1662 service Evening Prayer or Communion on alternate Sundays at 6.30pm in the summer and 4.00pm in the winter. The exception to this rule is the fifth Sunday when the congregations of the churches of Yate join together for one service. There are four churches, St Marys Yate, St Nicholas Abbotswood, St James Westerleigh and St Peter’s Wapley. Each church has its own character, and they complement one other. St Peter’s Church is very suitable place to mark all aspects of life, baptisms where children are welcomed and valued, weddings where the setting is perfect for photographs and the right size for families; and funerals can be held here with a quiet dignified reflective atmosphere. St Peter’s Church is a small church set on a hill in beautiful countryside. It also holds the unique tomb of John Codrington who fought at Agincourt. It is well worth a visit; and we pray that people will continue to worship here for another 760 years.


Rooted Summer BBQ Party

This summer we will be hosting a big summer youth BBQ for our Rooted members. The BBQ will take place in the grounds of St Marys Church at 6pm on Sunday 17 July. We would like to invite friends and family of the youth group members. If you belong to the group and would like to attend please contact Lydia at

We will need your RSVP to make sure everyone is catered for. Come hungry and ready to party as we celebrate the end of school and the beginning of the summer holidays!


Have you heard of the Parish Giving Scheme?

No – please tell me more The Parish Giving Scheme enables people to support the work of their local church. It allows for regular giving by Direct Debit with an option for Income Tax payers to add Gift Aid. The scheme allows you to manage your donations online and make any changes you wish. There is no minimum tie-in period and you can cancel or amend your donations at any time. The amounts donated are sent directly to Yate Parish and allocated to the church that you nominate. It’s all designed to be secure and easy. If you would like to sign up please go to or give the PGS team a call on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm. Yes – but I signed up ages ago using a paper form / over the phone and I’d like to update my details The scheme has now been improved so that everyone who is already a donor can have an online account. If the PGS already has sufficient details on file for you then you can activate your online account using this link or just give them a call on 0333 002 1271. Yes – but I would like more help No problem, either drop a line to Steve our Parish Treasurer on or give the PGS team a call on 0333 002 1271.


An Interview with Rev Wanda Morris

As Wanda prepares for her ordination as a priest at the beginning of July, I was privileged to interview her for the magazine. How does it feel to have got to this point at last? I am quite surprised to be here and I still can’t quite believe it. If you had asked me 10 years ago what I would be doing now I would never have guessed. I am filled with awe and wonder at the amazing privilege that I have been given. In just one day I can go from worshipping with the under-fives to then standing between the two worlds of life and death at a funeral. I feel fortunate to be part of a great ministry team that have guided me throughout my first year, for which I am very grateful. I also thank God for the love and support of my husband, who is journeying with me, but most of all I am thankful for God’s faithfulness and gentle reassuring words when I feel quite inadequate for this immense calling. What have you enjoyed most about your first year of curacy? All of it! I’ve loved leading worship across the four churches in the parish and being involved with the young families in Praise & Play and Little Sparks. However, I have also found it a privilege to be involved with families at their time of pain and loss when taking funerals and have enjoyed getting to know baptism families and being part of the joy of baptisms. I can’t wait to do weddings! Are you looking forward to becoming a priest? Yes, as I feel that I am being true to my calling. Throughout this past year my confidence has grown and I now feel ready to take the next step. I am very much looking forward to presiding at Communion because it is at the very heart of our worshipping life together and equips us for our life of service. I am also looking forward to continuing to learn from the other members of the Ministry Team and explore the range of different styles of worship across the Parish. Oh, and did I mention that I am also looking forward to doing weddings!

I understand that in addition to your work with us in Yate you also have some additional responsibilities? Yes, I have become the Welfare Officer for the Bristol Army Cadets which has 15 detachments across the area. It has also been agreed that as soon as I am priested I will become the joint Chaplain to the Cadets (they call it ‘Padre’). Hopefully I will be able to join them for part of their camp this summer. Please pray for Wanda as she prepares for this momentous step in her life. She will be priested at 3pm on Saturday 2 July in Bristol Cathedral. Everyone is invited to attend to support Wanda. You are welcome to come to the bring and share lunch on Sunday 3 July at St Nix after the morning service.

Rev Ian Wallace


Rev Joanne Hodge

On 30th June Joanne completes her curacy - hasn't the time flown past?! We are very fortunate that she will be remaining with us and will be licensed to the Yate & Fromeside Mission Area, so from 1st July she will graduate to the role of Associate Minister and is no longer to be known as a curate.


Thy Kingdom Come—Thank You

I would like to say thank you to all those that led services and prayer times during Thy Kingdom Come. It was a time of focus when we specifically held five people before God in our prayers during this time. We might never know the outcome, but be encouraged prayers are never wasted!

I also felt really blessed to have the commitment and support during this special time.


Mothers' Union News July 2022

St Mary’s Church was the venue for a very special service of Commissioning on 15 May, when the new MU Diocesan President, Chaplain, Trustees, Officers, Deanery and Branch Leaders and Speakers were commissioned by Bishop Viv, Bishop of Bristol. Special guests included MU Worldwide Trustee for the Province of Canterbury Julia Jamieson, and the Canterbury Provincial President Kathryn Anderson. Also amongst us were honoured guests the Bishop of North Ankole, Uganda, Bishop Amos and his wife Jean Mgezi who is Diocesan President for 14 Dioceses in Uganda. I would like to use this opportunity to thank everyone at St Mary’s for their support for this special occasion as it was a real team effort, and it was wonderful how we all used our different strengths and skills to make all our 100+ guests feel welcomed. Thanks especially go to Martin and Hywel for their time and the technical knowhow to live-stream. Thanks to Revd. Joanne who led the service and for her attention to detail and constant support. But the most thanks and praise have to go to Mary Farrell and her amazing team who put on the most impressive afternoon tea that attracted much praise and acclaim! THANK YOU! Jacky Fredrickson (Bristol Diocesan President of Mothers’ Union) Dates for Mothers’ Union, Yate in July and August: Thursday 21 July 3pm Cream Tea at Louisa’s Tuesday 9 AugustMary Sumner Day Picnic, 11.30am at St Saviour’s field, Coalpit Heath All Welcome!


All-Age service, 10.30am on Sunday 3 July, St Mary’s Don’t forget the all-age service at St Mary’s Church on the first Sunday each month. Bring the whole family to this interactive worship and all-age inspiring Bible teaching, games and activities. If you want to know more about our all-age services please contact


Mammas Club

Join a community of women St Mary’s Church 11am every Friday (term time only).

Mammas Club is a drop in café for you and your family. Come along and enjoy the company of other women on the journey of parenthood. We will have tea, coffee and light bites!


St Mary’s Church, 10am on the third Saturay of the month Are you a dad, grandad, uncle, or male guardian? Bring your kids and join us for our Who Let the Dads Out group on the third Saturday of each month at 10am. We will have toys and play mats for the children to hang out on, while you enjoy breakfast. This is a great opportunity to meet other dads and have some precious time to share with your little ones.


Llangasty Christian Retreat House

Langorse, Breconshire

Friday to Sunday 7 to 9 October 2022

This autumn Terry Carter will host a Christian Retreat in the Brecon Beacons, led by Diocesan Ministry Development

Administrator, Revd. Dr Simon Taylor.

The theme of the retreat is Truthfulness and False Self - Practices for a post-truth world.

This is a full-board weekend from Friday evening until Sunday lunchtime. The cost will be around £190. The house accommodates up to 22 people in single and twin-bedded rooms, with shared bathroom facilities.

If you would like to join the group, or need further information, please contact Terry on 01454 882280.


Dates for your Diary

Saturday 9 July 9-11am St James Summer Breakfast

Sunday 10 July 10.30amSt James—Pet Service

Thursday 14 July Yate Ageing Better Festival

Sunday 31 July 10.30am St James Parish Communion

Saturday 10 September Ride & Stride

Saturday 24 September St James Harvest Auction 7.00pm New Inn, Westerleigh

Sunday 25 September St James Harvest Festival

Sunday 30 October All Souls Service

Sunday 13 November Remembrance Sunday

Saturday 19 November St James Autumn Supper & Quiz


Services throughout the Parish Sunday 3 July 3rd Sunday after Trinity—Green Isaiah 66:10-14 Galatians 6:(1-6),7-16 Luke 10:1-11,16-20 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am All-Age Service 6.30pm 630Praise St Nix 10.30am Communion (Wanda to take first Communion) St James 10.30am Communion St Peter 6.30pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer) Sunday 10 July 4th Sunday after Trinity—Green Deuteronomy 30:9-14 Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion 6.30pm 630Praise St Nix 10.30am Morning Worship St James 10.30am Pet Service St Peter 6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

Sunday 17 July 5th Sunday after Trinity—Green Genesis 18:1-10a Colossians 1:15-28 Luke 10:38-42 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm 630Praise St Nix 10.30am Communion St James 10.30am Communion St Peter 6.30pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer) Sunday 24 July 6th Sunday after Trinity—Green Genesis 18:20-32 Colossians 2:6-15,(16-19) Luke 11:1-13 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion 6.30pm 630Praise St Nix 10.30am Morning Worship St James 10.30am Morning Worship St Peter 6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Sunday 31 July 7th Sunday after Trinity—Green Acts 11.27-12.2 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 Matthew 20:20-28 St James 10.30am Parish Communion Patronal Festival St Mary 6.30pm 630Praise


Yate & Fromeside Mission Area Why not join us for a gentle walk in nature, taking in God’s natural beauty… Monthly on Wednesday Mornings 13 July: St James, Iron Acton 10 August: St Peter’s, Frampton Cotterell 7 September: St Mary’s, Yate Meet outside the church at 10.15am For more information speak to Rev Wanda (01454 326103) or Rev Julia (0117 902 11774)



Morning prayer in Yate Parish

Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.


Weekly at St Mary’s

Thursday Communion at 10.00am


Compline @8pm

Before the lockdown happened, we had recorded the saying of Compline. We ask that each evening at 8pm we light a candle in our window and pray together for our nation using the words of the Compline service - it takes just over 5 minutes.

Visit the parish website and click on the recordings to listen; you will find the words of the service there too.



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