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June E-Magazine 2024


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Services throughout the Parish


Sunday 2nd June

1st Sunday after Trinity—Green

Deuteronomy 5:12-15   2 Corinthians 4:5-12   Mark 2:23-3:6 


St Mary           

         8.15am             Communion

         10.30am         Morning Worship with Baptism

         6.30pm             630 Praise        


St Nix      

         10.30am           Communion


St James

         10.30am           Communion


St Peter

         6.30pm             Evening Worship

                                    (Book of Common Prayer)



Sunday 9th June

2nd Sunday after Trinity—Green

Genesis 3:8-15   2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1   Mark 3:20-35 


St Mary

         8.15am             Communion

         10.30am           Communion

         6.30pm             630 Praise        


St Nix                        

         10.30am           Morning Worship


St James

         10.30am           Morning Worship


St Peter                      

         6.30pm             Communion

                                    (Book of Common Prayer)




Sunday 16th June

3rd Sunday after Trinity—Green

Ezekiel 17:22-24  2 Corinthians 5:6-10 [11-13] 14-17  Mark 4:26-34


St Mary

         8.15am             Communion

         10.30am         Morning Worship

         6.30pm             630 Praise

St Nix

         10.30am           Communion

St James

         10.30am           Communion

St Peter

         6.30pm             Evening Worship

                                    (Book of Common Prayer)



Sunday 23rd June

4th Sunday after Trinity—Green

 Job 38:1-11   2 Corinthians 6:1-13   Mark 4:35-41


St Mary

         8.15am             Communion

         10.30am         Praise in Kingsgate Park

         6.30pm             630 Praise

St Nix

         10.30am           Praise in Kingsgate Park

St James

         10.30am           Morning Worship

St Peter                      

         6.30pm             Communion

                                    (Book of Common Prayer)



Sunday 30th June

4th Sunday after Trinity—Red

Ezekiel 3:22-end   Acts 12:1-11   Matthew 16:13-19


Ordinations at Bristol Cathedral


St Peter

         6.30pm             Parish Communion

                                    (Book of Common Prayer)















Readings for Morning and Evening Prayer

The Table below and opposite have the readings for Morning and evening prayer. The Facebook prayers will read the Old Testament in the morning but you can chose either reading for morning or evening.

Prayerbooks are available from the Parish Office.




June 1

Joshua 10 1-15

Luke 11 37 -end



June 2

Deuteronomy 5 12-15

Mark 2 23 - 3v6



June 3

Joshua 14

Luke 12 1-12



June 4

 Joshua 21 43 – 22v8

Luke 12 13-21



June 5

 Joshua 22 9-end

Luke 12 22-31

119 33-56


June 6

 Joshua 23

Luke 12 32-40



June 7

 Joshua 24 1-28

Luke 12 41-48



June 8

 Joshua 24 29-end

Luke 12 49-end



June 9

Deuteronomy 6 10-end

Acts 22 22-23 11



June 10

 Judges 2

Luke 13 1-9



June 11

 Jeremiah 9 23-34

Acts 4 32-end



June 12

 Judges 5

Luke 13 22-end

119 57-80


June 13

 Judges 6 1-24

Luke 14 1-11



June 14

 Judges 6 25-end

Luke 14 12-24



June 15

 Judges 7

Luke 14 25-end



June 16

 Deuteronomy 10 12-11.1

Acts 23 12-35



June 17

 Judges 8 22-end

Luke 15 1-10



June 18

 Judges 9 1-21

Luke 15 11-end



June 19

 Judges 9 22-end

Luke 16 1-18

119 81-104


June 20

 Judges 11 1-11

Luke 16 19-end

78 1-39

78 40-end 

June 21

 Judges 11 29-end

Luke 17 1-10



June 22

 Judges 12 1-7

Luke 17 11-19



June 23

Deuteronomy 11 1-15 

Acts 27 1-12



June 24

 Malachi 3 1-6

Luke 3 1-17



June 25

 Judges 14

Luke 18 1-14

89 1-18

89 19-end

June 26

 Judges 15 1-16.3

Luke 18 15-30

119 105-128


June 27

 Judges 16 4-end

Luke 18 31-end



June 28

 Judges 17

Luke 19 1-10



June 29

 Isaiah 49 1-6

Acts 11 1-18



June 30

 Deuteronomy 15 1-11

Acts 27 33-end




Morning prayer in Yate Parish


Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to

Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.


We have moved over to a new Facebook Page for Morning Prayer search for Yate Parish Morning Prayer and it should pop up.


Regenerate – appeal for support


Regenerate, the local Christian schools work charity, has been at work in our schools for about 30 years. We thank God that there is an open door to all our primary schools at the moment.

We focus on providing a Christian-based assembly every term (‘old school’ half term) and 1-to-1 mentoring for children identified by teaching staff as needing extra support; we are now providing mentoring in four primary schools. We also provide interactive workshops at Christmas and Easter plus a ‘Moving on to Secondary’ theme to whole year groups. So every year all children in Yate and Chipping Sodbury hear the good news of Jesus; this also means that all secondary school children have also heard. This is amazing.

We employ Rachel Rogers and Deborah Williams as a job share and they are proving to be an excellent team with complementary skills. Alongside them a few volunteers help with assemblies on a regular basis.

Regenerate is the only outreach / mission that is under the umbrella of the Churches Together so it would be great to see it actively supported by Christians across the area.

We really appreciate the financial support given by the churches but with the current level of support the funding will run out by the end of 2025.

We urgently need help in seeking funding for this valuable work to continue and grow. Is there someone in your church who can use their skills to help us?

Would you like to commit financially as an individual to supporting the work of Regenerate? We are in an amazing situation where we are welcomed into the schools to be a blessing to the school communities.

Our Trustee body is small and, at the moment, does not represent all the churches. At least two trustees will be standing down this summer, including myself. We need someone who can oversee the finances, and others to support Regenerate’s work, whose skills are in oversight rather than volunteering in schools.

Finally, we would love more volunteers to be ‘salt and light’ in our schools.

It would very sad if the one joint outreach across Yate and Sodbury had to fold next summer. We believe that seeds have been sown in children’s lives and some children, through mentoring, are being helped immensely in their self esteem and issues they face.

If you would like more information or believe you can actively support Regenerate, please contact me.

Ruth Wallace, Chair of Regenerate



Mother’s Union June 2024


Summer is here and that means festivals and

celebrations in the MU Calendar.


Please let’s join with the Deanery in Christ Church, Downend on Tuesday 18th June at 2.15pm for the

Annual MU Deanery Festival. We will see all the lovely MU banners (we need someone to carry ours) and join with the rest of the

Deanery community to celebrate MU in the name of our risen Lord. We can carpool, so please let me know if you need a ride.


Also, we will celebrate on Thursday 20th June at 2pm at St Mary’s Church for our lovely summertime Tea Party.


At our Tea Party we will discuss the AFIA Promise Auction to be held at St Mary’s Church on Friday 19th July starting at 2pm.


* Have you let us know what your Promise or Donation will be?

* Have you volunteered to help?

* Have you invited family and friends?


Please don’t forget the reason we are doing this, it’s to help pay for

a bus to take Yate families to Weston-super-Mare for a day at the beach!


Let’s join together and show the Love of Christ!

XO Louisa


Meet the Alpacas

Over the course of the summer Michaela will be hosting a series of ‘Meet the Alpacas’ days in her home at Grove Farm for groups of 4 at a time. These will begin with a talk about alpacas and the process of turning a fleece into balls of yarn, including a demonstration of spinning on a traditional wheel. After this you’ll meet the alpacas close up and have a go at hand feeding. Your visit will end with a delicious cream tea while looking out over green fields. The sessions will last about 2 hours and dates will be published nearer the time. Tickets £10.

Please register your interest by calling Michaela on 07974 094449.


What is the Holy Spirit?


I was a very annoying child, one of those kids who always wanted to know why. I think that we should encourage more questioning and annoying kids as it is through thinking about a child’s question that we find God. It is also very humbling as many of the questions from annoying children reveal that we as adults don’t really know a lot at all. This is why we find those types of kids really annoying.


Joanne shared a story of when she took her kids to Noah’s Ark farm years ago when they gave a talk about the chicks. They showed a picture of a dead chick and a live one, then asked; “What is the difference between these two chicks”. The answer they gave was the Holy Spirit. This is the best answer we could possible come up with and in this we see the truth of the Holy Spirit. It is the breath of life which flows through and give life to everything. Modern Biology has no answer to this question because chemically and biologically they are the same. Just after death before decay sets in a dead body is the same as a live one, it is just a lump of flesh. But everyone knows that there is more to it than that there is more to life than just a lump of flesh. If you where an annoying child you could ask that question what is the difference between the two chicks and biology says that there isn’t one Christianity says it’s the Holy Spirit.


In A Level physics I loved the study of Gravity where I found that everything has a tiny bit of gravity  and you could use the equations to find out how much the world weighs. I was so excited about this when I got home I showed my mother how to weigh the world with physics. She said, “Yes your father did that in Open University I thought it was silly then.” I then started to think, we can describe how gravity does, we can even weigh the world, but how does it work what actually pulls everything together? So I asked my physic teach and he agreed with me yes we know that gravity is ruled by the law of gravity but what gravity actually is we don’t know. We can measure how gravity acts on the world but what drives gravity we don’t know.


Science can describe fairly accurately the laws that govern nature but what power actually makes things happen within those laws we don’t know. At heart this is a simple annoying child’s question. What is the difference between death and life and what powers the universe? The answer is the Holy Spirit, the source of life and power. The Holy Spirit gives life to everything, from the stars in the sky to the worms in the ground.



But what about us how does it affect us. The world is made through the laws of nature be that gravity or biology. God has also given us law to live by which are linked to the laws of nature. If we live by the laws of God then life flourished in the fullest sense. If we go against the law then we destroy life around us and within us.  Each of us is  created through these laws with a special purpose in our lives. If we live a life that fulfils our      purpose then life flourishes around us and within us. In  other words if we  cooperate with the Holy Spirit we bring more life to the world and we feel more alive ourselves.


The Jesuits have a meditation called the examine where we replay the previous day in our mind and reflect on how we felt at each moment. The moments where we felt most alive are moment when were      cooperating with the Holy Spirit. The moment we felt dead were the times where we were going against it. If we walk in the park on a sunny day we feel more alive, if we help someone in any way we feel more alive, it is something when we reflect on it we can feel it. When a gossip and drag people down we might like it at the time but after we feel dead inside.


The more we practice this reflection the more we will naturally live better lives, not more comfortable but better ones. So what is the  Holy Spirit? It is the breath of life which powers the universe and that spirit is in and with us too.    


Mothers’ Union Project Prayers June 2024



The second line of the Mothers’ Union prayer is:

‘We pray for families around the world’.


We acknowledge that families are made up of increasingly

diverse and complex combinations of folk. As Mothers’ Union we focus significantly on women and girls and on children, but this month I would like to pay homage to the dads!


We recognise the enormous role the father, or maybe the ‘father figure’, plays in the family, and we have huge respect for single fathers and supportive grandpas, and fathers who have chosen the caring option whilst Mum is at work.


Whilst our work in the field of domestic abuse is also

predominantly about women, we recognise that men too are subject to abuse, and that stressful situations can take their toll. We pray that fathers, grandfathers and all men and boys can access help and support when needed.


We pray for those for whom Fathers’ Day is a time of heartache rather than celebration.


A Prayer of Thanks for our Heavenly Father.

Lord God, we worship you today as our loving, compassionate, heavenly Father - a Father whose love has no limits – who wants the best for each one of his children in all corners of the world. Amen


MU Prayer Diary June 16th


Fathers, grandfathers and single men who declare support for the aims of Mothers’ Union, and who have been baptised in the name of the Holy Trinity, are eligible for membership of the Mothers’ Union.


Jacky Fredrickson MU Diocesan President Bristol






Updated Contact Information

Youth & Families Minister: 

Charlie Blackett  Mobile:  07899 099 548


Find out more about The Connection and Those Vicar Blokes on our website at yateparish,org under the heading Explore our Faith



A Weekly Group at St Nix

Friday Re:fresh runs from 09:30 - 10:30 on a Friday

during term-time held at St Nix.


A warm and welcoming group for adults and children (babies to

school age) to spend time together chatting, playing, singing and pondering a spiritual thought of the day. 





Morning prayer in Yate Parish

Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.


Weekly at St Mary’s

Thursday Communion at 10.00am


Compline @8pm

Before the lockdown happened, we had recorded the saying of Compline. We ask that each evening at 8pm we light a candle in our window and pray together for our nation using the words of the Compline service - it takes just over 5 minutes.

Visit the parish website and click on the recordings to listen; you will find the words of the service there too.



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