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October E-Magazine 2020

  • In this edition of E-Magazine we have:

  • An invitation from Rt Revd. Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol.

  • Labyrinth of Lights Article.

  • An announcement from Revd. Iain Macfarlane.

  • Christmas Tree Trail article.

  • Stories of Lockdown from the following people:

  • The Tech Team.

  • Sally Pettifer, Morning Prayer.

  • Charlotte and Luke Hayward, Youth Pilgrimage to Tintern Abbey.

  • Sources of Help during the Pandemic

  • For a Full List of Services in October Click here

  • For a full printable magazine click the file below

An invitation from

Rt Revd. Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol

Re-imagining the church of today and tomorrow:

In conversation with Ben Lindsay

Ben Lindsay, author of We Need To Talk About Race

comes to the Cathedral in October for a series of

workshops with church leaders in the Diocese of Bristol.

This series of workshops, led by Ben Lindsay, is for everyone interested in re-imagining a Church where all people - including black and brown skinned people - participate fully in the ministry and mission of our churches. The themes explored in Ben Lindsay’s, book, We Need To Talk About Race:

Understanding the Black Experience in White Majority

Churches will underpin these interactive sessions.

These three sessions will help us to encourage & enhance Christ-centered belonging, engagement and leadership opportunities for Black, Asian & Ethnic Minority individuals at every level of Church life. Why should this matter to us… well because it matters to God!

Workshop 1: ‘Audit, Awareness and Action’

Monday, 5th October 11-1pm

Workshop 2: ‘Systems, Structures and Institutions’

Tuesday, 6th October 11-1pm

Workshop 3: ‘Show Up. Speak Out. Stand Against’

Monday, 11th January 2021 11-1pm

Information about booking will follow.


The tech team response to lockdown

Like everyone else we had some rapid adaptations to make as life changed. When it became obvious that services in church had to stop we got together with chief geek Hywel to discuss our options. A WhatsApp group was quickly formed with all sorts of suggestions bouncing around.

As with any new venture, some things worked and some didn’t. We all quickly learned how to edit videos and generally cursed our internet providers when things were a bit slow. Video editing was just the start, then we got on to You Tube, Facebook and Church Online.

We soon picked up that these all work differently and do odd things like muting the music if they think it should be copyright. We also became perfectionists, noticing churches that just didn’t look straight on camera, or the random beep from a phone during recording of prayers or readings.

And just when we had got quite good at that, all change again as we were allowed back in churches and live streaming became a thing. This was an even bigger challenge, with a few false starts, but Christmas came early when the PCC gave us a budget: we recently did our first live stream with

dedicated equipment. Instead of managing with assorted phones and laptops and carefully-balanced cables, we have proper kit designed specifically for streaming.

Feedback from those who have seen the services online has been very encouraging, and we are amazed to see so many people in the congregation getting to grips with the new tech, even if they had never before picked up a computer or an iPad.

As ever we will keep trying to improve and make the best of the technology, and no doubt there will be further challenges, but please do keep watching and participating. God willing we will be doing this for a while, and maybe as word spreads we will give Songs of Praise a run for its money.

Steve Lord


Morning Prayer with Yate Parish,

on Facebook

This sets me up for the day and has encouraged me to have a more dedicated and focussed time with God. I know you can listen any time during the day but I’m a morning person so joining the Live link at 7:30am works really well for me. I also find it encouraging to see others joining and be able to add comments. Thank you to the committed ministerial team that present it 6 days a week and have helped me grow in my communication with God.

Here are some of the ways I have found morning prayer useful in my spiritual life:

¨ I start the day in a far more positive way.

¨ I’ve grown spiritually and feel closer to God; I realise I am much more aware of when He is speaking to me - even better, I listen and respond.

¨ I have felt more empowered to support a couple of people spiritually.

It’s been a place and time to bring my own personal concerns.

Its been a good habit! that has helped me trust in God when I faced something difficult and would generally try to do things in my strength. Still working on this one!!

Sally Pettifer


The Ordination of Rev Joanne Hodge

The link to enable you to watch Joanne’s Ordination is:-

The service will also be available on Bristol Cathedral's

Facebook Page at 10am on 10th October 2020.


At the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 14 September the following people were elected to serve within Yate Parish.

At the Annual Parish Council meeting it was announced that Kathleen Anderson would step down as Church Warden for St Mary’s. Her role will be taken as a job share by Mary Farrell and Claire Hayward. We will hear from Kathleen in the next issue of the magazine.

Christine Dolton has also stepped down as PCC Treasurer; however, she will continue as Parish Book-keeper. The new Treasurer is Steve Lord. Much thanks was expressed to both Kathleen and Christine for the work they have done over their years of service to the Parish. Church Wardens: St Mary's John Cornforth Mary Farrell (new - job share) Claire Hayward (new - job share) St Nix Anne White St James Patrick Mills June Powell St Peter's Mike Collis Shirley Dando Contact information for the Church Wardens can be found on page 15 of this magazine. PCC Treasurer: Steve Lord Parish Book-Keeper: Christine Dolton

PCC Members: St Mary's Heather Smith Mary Parker Julia Holbrook (new) St Nix Vacancy Paul Thurlow David Warren (re-elected) St James Vacancy Joy Archer Kathryn Mills (re-elected) St Peter's Vacancy Wully Perks Janet Williams (re-elected) Deanery Synod: St Mary's Julia Holbrook (new) St Nix Rosay Bailey (new) St James June Powell (new) St Peter's Christine Dolton (new)


Labyrinth of Lights

For All Souls this November a Labyrinth of Lights will be constructed in St Mary's Churchyard. It is a way of inviting people in the community to pray in this uniquely difficult year; a year when we may have lost loved ones in very difficult circumstances and a year which has been extremely difficult as we have all grieved the loss of our previous way of life.

What is a Labyrinth?

Labyrinths are a single circular path that people walk towards the centre and then return. As you walk you are invited to remember your loved ones and give thanks for them. The Labyrinth has been used by millions of people all over the world. They are found in the outdoors or on the floors of churches. The most famous one is in the Cathedral of Chartres in France. Labyrinths are far more ancient than even Chartres Cathedral, they go back even to the dawn of humanity. They have been used by people to take time out and contemplate our lives in relation to God.

How to Pray the Labyrinth

You enter the labyrinth with a question or a thought and hold that thought as you walk to the centre. In Chartres they say it is like entering the womb again with your cares and concerns. Taking these concerns to heart of all things, then as you return outwards you are reborn leaving your worries at the centre. There is something beyond words in such a way of praying, a way of meeting God and receiving that care beyond imagination.

Yate Parish Labyrinth of Lights from 1 November through to the start of 2021

Our Labyrinth in St Mary's Churchyard will be marked out using 100 solar lamps. Each light can be dedicated to the memory of a loved one or a prayer intention you may have. If you fill in a form we can attach a message or prayer to each light. It will show that even in the darkest time of the year light still shines. 2020 has been a uniquely difficult year for all of us, walking the labyrinth can allow us to pray without words, walking with God and allowing him to bless us.


My Placement at RUH Chaplaincy

By Iain Macfarlane

I’m very grateful to Revd Narinder Tegally, lead chaplain at Royal United Hospitals Bath, Bishop Viv and Revd Ian Wallace for giving me the opportunity of a full-time placement at the RUH chaplaincy for 3-6 months starting from mid-October. I will continue to live in the vicarage in Yate and commute from there, but you won’t be seeing me in parish ministry for a while. I’m very excited, as this gives me the chance to test a calling to hospital chaplaincy, as well as giving me the experience and training to apply for a job (hopefully) in the near future. I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals over the last 3 years and, despite the sadness and struggle of those times, I’ve felt strangely at home there.

If all goes to plan, my last Sunday in the parish for now will be 18th October. This is not ‘goodbye’ from me, more ‘au revoir’. As Arnie would say: “I’ll be back!”, but this is with a view to moving on in 2021. You will see me in the parish again in the New Year, and I would like to have a memorial service at St Nix for my wife Val to enable all of us to say goodbye to her properly. In the meantime, I’d be glad to have a coffee and a chat with you if you’d like. I’m very grateful for all my friends in Yate Parish, and I do hope you will make sure that I keep up to date on all the gossip! Please remember Ian Wallace and the ministry team in your prayers as well as the good people of St Nicholas – with a member of the team missing, this will mean more work for them and they will need all our prayers. Ian is a very gracious man.


Youth Pilgrimage to Tintern Abbey

On Wednesday 26th August 2020, the youth from Yate, Fromeside and Fishponds joined together to walk from Chepstow to Tintern and back, which in total was around 15 miles.

We set off bright and early on what was a beautiful summer morning. We headed towards our first stop and had drinks and chocolate! Once we had reached Tintern we had seen a lot of nature and wildlife on the way and became more aware of our surroundings and God’s amazing creations. Whilst at Tintern we sat by the Abbey and enjoyed our lunch – we even had time for an ice cream!

Heading back by a different route we went through a lot of woodland and countryside – there was some very steep hills! We viewed some magnificent landscapes from various viewpoints. Arriving back at the castle, tired and with aching feet, we were greeted by a stunning sunset, another celebration of God’s world that he has entrusted us to look after.

On reflection, the pilgrimage gave us the opportunity to motivate and encourage each other, develop new friendships and helped us to deepen our faith in God.

Charlotte and Luke Hayward


Christmas Tree Trail

New this year - St Mary’s is planning an outdoor event that will allow people to decorate trees and raise much needed money for charity: a Christmas Tree Trail.

The trail will consist of individually decorated and themed Christmas trees sponsored by ANYONE - local businesses, charities, schools and individuals, with a mapped walking trail around the area. This year’s theme is ‘The Wonderful World of Christmas’. Maps will be sold from local outlets and shops, with all proceeds being divided equally between St Peter’s Hospice and St Mary’s Church to support their ongoing work in the community.

Organisers are calling on residents and businesses interested in taking part to email them now at or call Christine on 01454 880518 for more details.

The trail will start on Saturday 5 December and continue throughout the month.


Through the week

Monday — NEW—Mossy Church @ 2pm For pre-school

children and carers, come prepared for seasonal weather. Please contact Rev. Gail Thomas to book your place.

Tel: 07746 050 607 Email:


11.30am St James Morning Prayer


09.45am St Mary Holy Communion


Sources of Help - taken from

the Focus Magazine & other places

With restrictions easing it’s easy to think it’s all over, but for many people it is not. Young people who can’t get a job, people who have suddenly lost income and can’t pay bills, people who have lost their job or afraid of losing it, vulnerable people worried about the risks of going out, people whose mental health is suffering, or victims of domestic abuse. Remember there is help:

Citizens Advice Bureau: (03444 111 444 for free advice on issues including financial or employment problems – and how to find your way through the maze of grants to help you.

Food Bank: The Candle, 88 Station Road, if you cannot afford food or want to donate cash or food.

CoviD-19 Support Group: (a network of local groups including churches, voluntary groups and town and parish councils) has a superb network of volunteers willing to help neighbours – find them on Facebook.

Mental health: Samaritans 116 123 are the 24/7 starting point in a crisis. A range of services are at or ring them on 01454 865337 Mon-Thurs 9-5 or Fri 9-4.30.

Domestic abuse: locally 0800 4700 280 10-4 Monday to Friday or the 24/7 national link 0808 2000 247.

Local home deliveries: has lots of info on local firms doing home delivery.

If you’re not sure who to ask, call Yate Town Council 01454 866506 or email and they will do their best to find you the right contacts.

Family Food 4 Free—Facebook page.

For more information on how to use the service or to make a donation, go to the Family Food 4 Free Facebook page. Donations and collections can be made at 33 Woodmans Road, Chipping Sodbury

Southern Brooks Community Partnerships have been contracted by South Gloucestershire Council to provide a support service, 11am – 7pm Monday to Friday; 12noon – 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

Website: Telephone: 0333 577 4666

Shireway Heart Starters - First-aid trained community responders linked to Shireway Community Centre - are delivering prescriptions by day and at night are patrolling suicide hotspots alongside Suicide

Prevention Bristol. Offers: crisis support, prescription collection

Telephone: 07585304205 Email:

Social media: shireway.heartstarters.facebook page


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