October E-Magazine 2022
In this edition:
The Servant Queen - a faithful disciple
Thank you from Mrs Chris Ainslie
Mothers' Union Yate's Christmas Tree Festival
St James this Autumn
Labyrinth of Lights
Mothers' Union Bristol Diocesan - what's happening in October?
Lydia is leaving
Services throughout the Parish
Group Meetings
Dates for your Diary
Please click below for a printable copy of the magazine:
The Servant Queen – a faithful disciple
Despite her increasing frailty, the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth came as a shock as we lost the only monarch most of us have ever known; many felt it was like losing a mother who has always been there for us.
Much has been said about her extraordinary dedication to duty, her intelligence, curiosity and wisdom, her ability to put people at their ease, her graciousness and her capacity to forgive. But how did Elizabeth come to exemplify all these values of humility and service? We can look back on her Christmas broadcasts to see a theme repeatedly mentioned - her faith in Jesus Christ. Notions of duty, of promise-keeping and of accountability to God can seem antiquated and even naïve, but that didn’t bother Queen Elizabeth. She knew that it was the only solid foundation on which to build her life and she maintained her sense of service and accountability to God to the very end.
In her 2014 Christmas broadcast Queen Elizabeth put it this way:
“For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace … is an inspiration and an anchor in my life. A role-model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing. Christ’s example has taught me to seek to respect and value all people of whatever faith or none”.
We can see that the Queen took seriously the words Paul wrote to the church in Philippi: “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus”. She emulated the same humility that Christ demonstrated and was obedient in a life of service right until her death. She was the Queen, the most powerful person in the United Kingdom, yet she made herself the servant of us all. Throughout her life she pointed to Jesus and how he expanded her capacity to love people of all races and beliefs. She has stood out as one of very few people who have consistently pointed to Jesus in a society that has increasingly turned its back on God; that took courage. She understood that her faith in Jesus influenced her understanding of her role as monarch and the way she went about fulfilling this calling. Her faith couldn’t be kept secret as it went to the very heart of who she was. This understanding can be traced back to her coronation almost 70 years ago.
Two moments that day were particularly special to the Queen:
· The first moment was not televised because it was considered too sacred for mass broadcast – it was the moment when, stripped of all her flowing regal robes, she knelt in a simple white dress and was anointed with holy oil. That was the moment that she dedicated herself to God to serve him by serving his people.
· The second moment was when she was given a Bible with these words: “We present you with this book, the most valuable thing that this world affords. Here is wisdom, this is the royal law, these are the lively oracles of God”
“The most valuable thing this world affords” – not the golden crown that she was wearing with all its precious stones, nor the 1000-year-old throne where she sat, nor the vaulted abbey in which the ceremony was taking place. It was none of those things – just the book in her hand. She recognised its value – it guided her throughout her life and shaped her to be the person she was.
Back in 1957 she said:
“I cannot lead you into battle, I do not give you laws or administer justice, but I can do something else. I can give you my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the people of our brotherhood of nations. I believe in our qualities and in our strength. I believe that together we can set an example to the world which will encourage upright people everywhere…”
In the context of Britain’s imperial past it was a remarkable vision of moral example that would inspire friendship, generosity, kindness and uprightness. Queen Elizabeth saw this vision unfold within the Commonwealth of Nations that she led. When she became Queen just 8 nations were members of the Commonwealth; today it consists of 54 nations, some of whom were never part of the Empire. How do you turn nations that you conquered, ruled and exploited for decades into friends? It is an extraordinary achievement gained through the warmth and relational skills of the Queen. The fact that in our deeply fractured world 54 nations should choose to meet not out of military expediency or economic self-interest but out of friendship and a common commitment to a different kind of world is a remarkable testimony to the vision and qualities of our Queen. There can be no doubt about the ‘King’ that our Queen served and we have been blessed with a Queen who loved us so faithfully and who pointed us to God. In her first Christmas broadcast in 1952, the 26-year-old Elizabeth asked the people of this country to: “Pray for me that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making and that I may faithfully serve Him and you all the days of my life”. God granted her request.
May Elizabeth our Queen rest in peace and rise in glory and may we recognise in her a shining example of faithful
discipleship and seek to emulate her.
Revd Ian Wallace
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contacted me over the last two months while I have been ill. You may know that I spent three weeks in hospital in Wales, as I was taken ill with meningitis on the way home from holiday in Snowdonia. Since then I have spent four days in the BRI, having an operation on my right ear (the source of the infection, the doctors think). I have been overwhelmed by the number of cards I have received, the telephone calls, visits, emails, good wishes, and people praying for me. Thank you all very much. I'm now on the mend, and when I get a little more strength I hope to be back in church.
Mrs Chris Ainslie
Mothers’ Union Yate—News for October 2022
Bags of Love were once again given out at the start of school to the parents of St Mary’s Reception class. For some of those difficult days when a child goes to ‘big school’ for the first time, the Bags of Love offer treats to bring a smile to the faces. Each bag includes two hand-knitted hearts, one a bit smaller for the child, to show the child the connection of love with their parent. Upcoming meetings: Thursday 20 October 2pm at St Mary’s Anna Alcott will speak about the Royal British Legion Thursday 17 November 2pm at St Mary’s Topic: To be arranged
St Mary’s Christmas Tree Festival 2022
In this Jubilee year we have chosen ‘trees’ as the theme for our Festival and will be combining the familiar display of sponsored trees in church with artworks featuring trees. The festival runs from Saturday 3 December and conclude on Saturday 10 December with an evening concert of seasonal music by our friends the Apollo Wind Band. Our opening evening on Friday 2 December will also feature the return of some of our most popular entertainers – details to be announced this month.
As always we invite organisations, businesses, individuals, and schools to sponsor the trees; there will be just thirty trees available on a first-come basis, so if you or somebody you know are interested, please contact the organisers.
All sponsorship and donations will be shared on a 50:50 basis between St Mary’s Church and our charity for this year, Blonde Angel Street Team.
The Team has been active in Bristol since 2019. It is a group of volunteers who help homeless people on the streets, distributing donated supplies to the homeless at a weekly Sunday drop in Bristol, including hot food and drinks, toiletries, clothing, sleeping bags and other essentials.
St Mary’s church is a busy hub for community outreach projects for all age groups, from coffee mornings and craft groups to school assemblies, church services and support groups. Our fundraising goes towards ensuring that St Mary’s can continue to be used as a vital and vibrant community facility now and in the future, continuing to Make Jesus Visible.
If you would like to show your support for these two charities by sponsoring a tree, making a donation or joining our programme of weekend entertainment (singing, dancing etc), please contact the Tree Festival Team by emailing parish
office@yateparish.org.uk or calling 01454 882230.
St James this autumn
Our Autumn Supper and Quiz will be held in Westerleigh Village Hall on Saturday 19 November. Hearty casseroles with rice or baked potato followed by a choice of puddings, should stimulate you to tackle the 3-round quiz (and maybe also a picture round). Tickets from Kathryn (01454 318157) or from June (01454 3155568) £10 per person. Bring your own drinks.
Then on Friday 25 and Wednesday 30 November (10am to midday) we shall again be holding wreath-making workshops in St James, led by Di Coslett. Last year’s sessions proved very popular. Come again or come for the first time to make your own Christmas wreath. £10 per person, all basic materials and refreshments provided.
Please contact Kathryn Mills (kathrynmills@talktalk.net or 01454 318157) to book your place, or to order a ready-made wreath (also £10), a Christmas cake or Yule log (still at last year’s prices, see order form). Pre-ordered wreaths and Christmas cakes will be available for collection at the Christmas Fair in church on Saturday 3 December or delivery by arrangement.
Christmas wreaths and cakes from St James
Place your order by email to kathrynmills@talktalk.net
or call 01454 318157
Christmas Cake
Rich fruit cake with brandy, covered in marzipan and icing
Mini – 3” square (c. 350g) - £4.50
Small – 3” x 6” (c. 650g) - £7.50
Medium – 6” square (c. 1.5kg) - £15
Large – 8” round (c. 2kg) £20
Chocolate yule log
Flourless sponge roll filled with chocolate mousse and whipped cream – serves 8 - £8
Made to order. Eat within 4 days or freeze. (Please advise date required)
Christmas wreath
Wreath-making workshop (either Friday 25th or Wednesday 30th November, 10am – midday) - £10
Labyrinth of Lights returns for 2022
For All Souls this November a Labyrinth of Lights will be constructed in St Mary's Churchyard. It is a way of inviting
people in the community to pray and remember those they have lost.
What is a Labyrinth?
A Labyrinth is a single circular path that people walk along towards the centre, and then return. As you walk you are invited to remember your loved ones and give thanks for them. The Labyrinth has been used by millions of people all over the world. They are found outdoors or on the floors of churches. The most famous one is in the Cathedral of Chartres in France. Labyrinths are far more ancient than even the one in Chartres, they go back to the dawn of humanity. They have been used by people to take time out and contemplate our lives in relation to God.
How to Pray the Labyrinth
You enter the labyrinth with a question or a thought and hold that thought as you walk to the centre. In Chartres they say it is like re-entering the womb with your cares and concerns, taking these concerns to heart of all things; then as you return outwards you are reborn leaving your worries at the centre. There is something beyond words in such a way of praying, a way of meeting God and receiving that care beyond imagination.
Yate Parish Labyrinth of Lights from Sunday 30 October until Thursday 1 December
Our Labyrinth in St Mary's Churchyard will be marked out using light ropes and hearts in the trees. Each heart can be dedicated to the memory of a loved one or a prayer intention you may have. Fill in a form so that we can display your message or prayer on a board near the labyrinth. It will show that even in the darkest time of the year the light of love still shines. November is a dark time of the year but walking the labyrinth can allow us to pray without words, walking with God and allowing him to bless us.
Fill in the form in the magazine or online at yateparish.org/labyrinth-of-lights
Mothers’ Union Bristol Diocesan
What’s Happening in October?
October brings the start of an active autumn of involvement and campaigning in Mothers’ Union.
The ‘Autumn Gathering’ Members’ Day is on Saturday 8 October at St Saviour’s Church Hall, Coalpit Heath. All are invited for this day of fellowship and finding out. We are following on from the Re-imagining Conference with bold new ideas for moving our Mothers’ Union forward as we develop and transform.
We are establishing some links with Yate Town Council and have donated clothing, nappies and other items to Ukrainian Refugees and helped at their recent Ukrainian Independence Day picnic. They have asked us to be involved in their plans to create warm spaces in the coming cold months. Perhaps you would like to help? We are also developing links with children’s centres, including at Yate.
This month there is a focus on modern day slavery including the devastation to families of entanglement in county lines. A special service is planned for Anti-Slavery Day, Tuesday 18 October. This is part of the evensong service at Bristol Cathedral at 5.15pm. All are welcome.
More information next month about the campaign highlighting our stance against domestic abuse and gender-based violence. All Mothers’ Union members will be encouraged to respond to these 16 days of activism at some level. There will be a Global Day of Action at the end of November and everyone who cares about peace in the home, equality and fairness will be invited to get involved.
Maybe you’d like to know more, or to get involved? Look out for our bright new leaflets, visit our website: www.mubristol.co.uk or contact Jacky at jacky.mubristoldiocese@gmail.com
Jacky Fredrickson
MU President Bristol Diocese
Lydia is leaving her role as the
Youth and Families Missioner.
This September will mark the last month of my year as the Youth, Children and Families Minister. I have enjoyed my time in the parish and have been really thankful for the love and support shown to me in my work.
I have had the privilege to start some new outreach initiatives such as Mammas Club and Who Let the Dads Out. I have also helped to support and grow current family groups in the parish. My hope is that these events will continue and that God will bring new families into the church community through the ongoing work of the ministry.
It is with a heavy heart that I am moving on, but with the long commute from Frome in Somerset and the challenges of a young family my husband and I made the decision for me to take a leap of faith. When I leave the parish I will be moving on to teaching assistant work in schools in my local area. I’m very excited for the future of the ministry in Yate and Fromeside and see great potential in all that God is already doing.
With many thanks and gratitude.
Coffee Morning with Jumble Sale @ St James Saturday 8 October 10am—Midday Jumble, bric-a-brac as well as refreshments and a chance to sit and chat
Services throughout the Parish
Sunday 2 October
16th Sunday after Trinity—Green
Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Philippians 4:4-9 John 6:25-35
St Mary
8.15am Communion
10.30am All-Age Service - Harvest Festival
St Nix
10.30am Communion
St James
10.30am Communion
St Peter
6.30pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 9 October
17th Sunday after Trinity—Green
2 Kings 5:1-3,7-15c 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-19
St Mary
8.15am Communion
10.30am Communion
St Nix
10.30am Morning Worship
St James
10.30am Morning Worship
St Peter
6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 16 October
18th Sunday after Trinity—Green
Genesis 32:22-31 2 Timothy 3:14-4.5 Luke 18:1-8
St Mary
8.15am Communion
10.30am Morning Worship
St Nix
10.30am Communion
St James
10.30am Communion
St Peter
6.30pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 23 October—Bible Sunday
Last Sunday after Trinity—Green
Isaiah 45:22-end Romans 15:1-6 Luke 4:16-24
St Mary
8.15am Communion
10.30am Communion
St Nix
10.30am Morning Worship
St James
10.30am Morning Worship
St Peter
6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 30 October—All Saints Day
4th before Advent—Gold or White
Daniel 7:1-3,15-18 Ephesians 1:11-end Luke 6:20-31
St Mary
6.30pm All Souls Service
St Nix
10.30am Parish Communion
St James
4.00pm All Souls Service
St Peter
4.00pm All Souls Service
Dates for your Diary
Sunday 30 October All Souls Service Sunday 13 November Remembrance Sunday Saturday 19 November St James Autumn Supper & Quiz
Morning prayer in Yate Parish
Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.
Weekly at St Mary’s
Thursday Communion at 10.00am
Compline @8pm
Before the lockdown happened, we had recorded the saying of Compline. We ask that each evening at 8pm we light a candle in our window and pray together for our nation using the words of the Compline service - it takes just over 5 minutes.
Visit the parish website and click on the recordings to listen; you will find the words of the service there too.