October E-Magazine 2024
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New Beginnings by Wully Perks
Well, here we are. Schools are back, holidays over, it’s time to go for walks amid the changing scenes of Autumn. Then comes the blow. More rain, temperatures dropping and frozen car windows. You daren’t turn on the tv or wireless for the latest news. Aren’t I cheerful! But now for the good news. God has not deserted us. He has not packed his bags and gone off to warmer shores. He is with us through all the changing scenes of life as he always has been.
As a Parish too things may seem bleak following our farewell to Ian and Ruth, after their rich ministry. But God knows the future and is with us. Now is the time to come together in prayer, in our love for each other and in our witness to all outside our Church door.
In prayer
If Jesus spent so much time in prayer to his Father, we now need to spend time in prayer for our future and for each other. There is power in prayer.
In love for each other
Let us put aside all petty differences and grow in love for each other. ‘A new commandment I give you: love one another as I have loved you.’
For the world outside our church doors
Pray for our communities for whom Christ died, remembering we have a glorious Gospel to proclaim: Good news for all the earth. Remember God is with us so let the sun shine.
When? Saturday 5th October 2024 from 9.30am to 12 noon Where? St Nicholas' Church, Abbotswood, Yate
Would you like to know what the Church does during the week? Come to hear about our work in care homes and schools, and our Listening Ministry across the Mission Area of Yate Parish and Fromeside Benefice. There will be a very short talk about each area of work, and a chance to ask that question you've always wanted the answer to!
In addition, of course, there will be coffee and cake for refreshments.
For more information, please contact Reverend Joanne Hodge at joanne@yateparish.org.uk or call/text on 0775 864 8264. |
Reading for Pleasure by Anna Acott
Soft or hard, an expanse of white. Look in closer and you will see black marks running across and up, some even curl. Then you start to recognise the shapes. Before long, the shapes start to repeat, some even join up, then break off into what appear to be little ants running along in lines. You now learn they represent sounds. Using your newly-found skills, you then notice that these marks can join and start making different sounds. They start to run together; you appear to be able to see as well as hear. Then you recognise them as letters, C, A, T or as sounds C, A, T. Cat, that is the furry, cuddly black thing that sits on your lap. You have discovered the ants are words. The words become sentences, paragraphs, pages and in turn lead to chapters, and finally into a book.
My own journey into the world of books was slow and hard. It was many years before I could recognise these ants as words and sounds. I am dyslexic. It didn’t stop me learning the skill of reading. I just needed to use the help and tools offered to me, which in turn changed the fear and hate that I had experienced as a child trying to learn to read into the realisation that reading opens a whole new world.
Some books are for knowledge and learning, but others bring in worlds of colour and escape. There is nothing nice about a day of dark clouds and cold rain. However, find a place of comfort and peace, and with the aid of a book the day starts to change. The words on the page slowly draw you in, you lose awareness of your surroundings as you become immersed in what you are reading. The sounds of the words start to form and in your mind’s eye you can see the colour of the world written down. You start to relate to the characters drawn through the art of these words. You can see them as if they are real. You can hear the waves of the sea rolling in as the sea birds above call to each other, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, sense the smell and taste of salt in the air. The deeper you enter the story the more you are lost to the real world. You feel the joy, love, pain and fear as if you were there. It is no longer just words.
Depending on what you choose to read you have a whole range of experiences opening to you: love, romance, mystery, crime, and horror. These can take you anywhere, back in time, the present, the future or even out of this world. There are no barriers to where a good book can take you, the thrills and expectations that can be found once you have learnt to read, the sheer joy or even fear that these words may make you experience. Reading allows these words to run off the page and take you on a journey, full of life, laughter and sometimes tears.
I have lost the fear that I felt in reading as a youngster, it has now been turned into complete pleasure. A pleasure that will now totally take over and drive all else from my mind. I hope I have managed to tell and in turn paint the picture of that world of pure escapism: the joy or fear, laughter or tears that reading can bring. There is nothing like picking up a new book, whether the cover is soft paper or a hard solid back. The anticipation as I smell the ink as I open and flip the new pages. Now the longing for that dark, cold rainy day, or perhaps the shade of a tree in summer, so that I can once again lose myself in the pleasure that is to be found by reading a good book.
So now, go and find that world for yourselves, the world that a good book can bring, learn to feel the pleasure that reading can truly bring.
We Are Family
In his final sermon Ian quoted from Ephesians calling for unity within our Christian family. Ian may have retired but the work of the parish continues and so does his final call for unity. Christianity is a faith based on family. Jesus himself is born into a family and we as Christian people are adopted into Christ’s family at our Baptism. Through October and November we will be preaching a sermon series focusing on the different aspects of being members of Christ’s family.
Oct 13th Why we eat together Oct 20th Why we welcome new members Oct 27th Why we care for each other Nov 3rd Why we remember each other Nov 10th Remembrance Nov 17th How we make decisions
Following Ian’s retirement we need to prepare for the new Rector when they arrive. One thing that is essential for any new Rector is an up-to-date family roll. Paper forms will be available throughout October and November or you can add yourself to the roll online. We are asking everyone to fill in a form even if you have done so before to make sure everything is up to date and that we comply with GDPR. It is easy to register online: just go to our parish website and fill in the form.
Services throughout the Parish
Sunday 6th October 18th Sunday after Trinity—Green Joel 2.21-27 1 Timothy 6.6-10 Matthew 6.25-33
St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am All Age Service Harvest Festival 6.30pm 630 Praise
St Nix 9.30am Harvest Festival
St James 11.00am Harvest Festival
St Peter 6.30pm Evening Worship Harvest Festival (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 13th October 19th Sunday after Trinity—Green Amos 5.6-7,10-15 Hebrews 4.12-end Mark 10.17-31
St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion 6.30pm 630 Praise
St Nix 9.30am Morning Worship
St James 11.00am Morning Worship & Baptism
St Peter 6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 20th October 20th Sunday after Trinity—Green Isaiah 53.4-end Hebrews 5.1-10 Mark 10.35-45
St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm 630 Praise
St Nix 9.30am Communion
St James 11.00am Communion
St Peter 6.30pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 27th October 21st Sunday after Trinity—Green Jeremiah 31.7-9 Hebrews 7.23-end Mark 10.46-end
St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion 6.30pm 630 Praise
St Nix 9.30am Morning Worship
St James 11.00am Morning Worship
St Peter 6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Farewell from Charlie Blackett
It’s hard to believe just two years ago that I was writing to you on appointment as Youth Missioner, and now you will read this after I’ve left the post.
I was sad to say goodbye to the children and families as we broke up for the summer, but very much enjoyed the end of term celebrations.
I’ve some mixed feelings as I look ahead to starting full-time training for Ordination. Sadness as I say goodbye to what has been my employment but was more than a job... the incredible families and people that I’ve worked with; but also as Yate Parish is my sending Parish the realisation of saying Goodbye to the worship community that I’ve known all my life. Then excitement as I prepare for my training at Ripon College, Cuddesdon.
I was baptised at St James Westerleigh and spent many of my younger years there, two of my children were also baptised there many years later. I have many fond memories of St Peter’s when I was a teen and the fabulous flower festivals. As our family grew, we transitioned to Messy Church at St Nix and to St Mary’s and so each of the Churches of Yate Parish holds special memories for me and each has shaped a part of me and my Christian Faith.
I know that my thoughts and feelings are similar to what some of you have felt, but was reminded recently that my leaving the role and Parish is actually a result of good discipleship and that we need to recognise that I am a gift from Yate Parish to the wider Church as I head off for training.
I don’t yet know the full extent of what God has called me to or where I may end up, but what I do know is that God has called each of us to be ourselves. We are all unique individuals, and should resist believing that we ought to think or be the same as others. Nothing has been clearer throughout my Discernment process and many of you have affirmed by telling me not to change, but always be myself in relation to leading worship.
It's not always easy to be yourself but trust in God and it lightens the load: I think this is particularly relevant to the Parish as you prepare for this vacancy period. Each of you must be yourself and collectively as Churches and a Parish be confident in your identity.
Thank you to each and every person who has supported, encouraged or prayed for me, and also for the valuable ministry that is Children and Families.
Every Blessing – Charlie Blackett |
What’s happening in Westerleigh?
Autumn Supper in the Village Hall Now that our breakfasts have come to an end for the year we are looking forward to our Autumn Supper on Saturday 19th October, with the usual delicious fare of casseroles, curries, rice and baked potatoes followed by a wide choice of desserts, plus the challenge of a 3-round quiz. Tickets £15 (BYO drink) from June (01454 315568) or Michaela (07974 09449).
Wreaths With Christmas in mind we are planning to hold two wreath-making workshops led by Di Coslett. These will take place on Friday and Saturday 22nd and 23rd November, from 10am till around midday. The price is held at £12pp and includes all materials and refreshments. o book a place at one of these sessions, or to order a wreath, please call Kathryn (01454 318157).
Christmas Fair The Christmas Fair will take place in St James on Saturday 30th November from midday till 3pm. |
Mothers’ Union Project Prayers October 2024
Thank you for your prayers for our Mothers’ Union ‘Away From It All’ (AFIA) as described in the last magazine. Six coaches took some very happy families to Weston-super-Mare for the day, from different areas across Bristol and Swindon.
We are especially grateful to Yate Town Council for their generous grant, enabling families from Yate and Fromeside to have a very special day, enjoying ice creams and donkey rides. Thank you also to all who contributed at fund-raising events to raise enough money for this to take place.
In our Wave of Prayer we have been praying for our link Dioceses across the world. Recently we have been asked particularly to pray for families in Pacong in South Sudan, where severe flooding has resulted in many homes being destroyed and livestock lost. Conflict and persecution are the way of life in many of our link Dioceses and we pray for families struggling with difficult situations.
This month we have our Autumn Gathering, the second MU Diocesan Day of the year. This is on Saturday October 12th starting with coffee from 10am at St Nicholas Church in Yate. We are delighted to be welcoming to our gathering Bishop Neil, the Bishop of Swindon, who will be leading opening worship and licensing new Mothers’ Union Chaplains.
These days are always full of inspiring information, stories, news, fellowship and fun. Visitors and friends will be welcomed.
Bring a lunch to share. Donations towards the work of our projects will be gratefully received: toiletries, teabags, coffee, Pot Noodles and other pot meals, snacks and chocolate, new warm socks and pants, hats and gloves for ladies and men, new pyjamas and leggings for the ladies’ shelter. Also Bring and Buy items.
Mothers’ Union October prayer, praying for social Justice
Let us not turn from the world, but be engaged within it. Where there is injustice let us strive for equality and dignity. May our actions be based on Gospel values, our motives to serve God alone, and through him to transform the world. Amen
Jacky Fredrickson MUDP Bristol Diocese 07501670265 |

Find out more
about The
Connection and Those Vicar Blokes on our website at yateparish,org
under the heading
Explore our Faith

A Weekly Group at St Nix Friday Re:fresh runs from 09:30 - 10:30 on a Friday during term-time held at St Nix.
A warm and welcoming group for adults and children (babies to school age) to spend time together chatting, playing, singing and pondering a spiritual thought of the day.
Morning prayer in Yate Parish
Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.
Weekly at St Mary’s
Thursday Communion at 10.00am
Compline @8pm
Before the lockdown happened, we had recorded the saying of Compline. We ask that each evening at 8pm we light a candle in our window and pray together for our nation using the words of the Compline service - it takes just over 5 minutes.
Visit the parish website and click on the recordings to listen; you will find the words of the service there too.