November E-Magazine 2024
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For I have called you by name... Isaiah 43 v1
On October 14th I was licensed by the Bishop to serve in the Yate and Fromeside Benefice and as a Military Chaplain. Here is an insight into what I do as a Military Chaplain, and how that all began.
Well, God really does work in mysterious ways. If you had said to me just over ten years ago: ‘Wanda you will become a priest! Oh, and then as part of that you will be signed up to the military,’ I would have just laughed!
When I was training at Trinity College in Bristol I had the opportunity to become an Army Chaplain Cadet in Wales with the UOTC’s (University Officers in Training).
I got my fitness up to scratch and enjoyed weekends away all over Wales, serving both the officers in training and the military staff that trained them. I absolutely loved it; with my slightly warped sense of humour I fitted in quite well!
This placement unfortunately ended abruptly when Covid struck, but by this time I was hooked and investigated becoming an Army reservist, alongside my parish ministry. Instead, I chose to serve with the ACF Army Cadet Services – still commissioned by Royal Army Chaplains Department (RAChD) – and I get to wear an official uniform!
Alongside this I work at Corsham MOD and will soon join 21 Signals at Colerne Barracks as their Chaplain. It is an utter privilege to serve the military in this way. Corsham is Tri services (Army, Navy and RAF) and Colerne is Army.
Each day I work there, I have no idea what I will face. I do things that are expected of a priest and am just about to take two Remembrance Services. We are also planning for a Christmas Carol Service, where I will lead and preach. A big part of my job is to work under the radar, as well as all the official things. So, if someone in uniform wants to speak with me about something personal or official, I am happy to listen in complete confidentiality, unless of course there is a safeguarding issue.
Working closely with the welfare team we look after members of the military in whatever ways are needed. I have taken Military Weddings and Funerals and now have a Baptism to organise.
I do join in the Personal Training, doubtless much to the amusement of the personnel. I have been told I bring an air of serenity to the place - until they put a racket in my hand! I feel honoured to be able to serve the military, and nothing excites me more than being able to bring God into a conversation.
Alongside my Parish Ministry, Military Chaplaincy works very well.
Revd Captain Wanda Morris |
Sunday 10th November Remembrance Day Services at St Mary’s, St Nix and St James begin at 10am. |
‘Thank You’ from Ian and Ruth
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you all for the wonderful send-off that you gave us at the end of September. It was a very special weekend for both of us and, while the occasion was tinged with some sadness marking the end of an era, the overwhelming spirit of the occasion was joy and gladness for the good years we have had together and the things we have done in the service of God’s mission in this Parish.
We were also very moved by your generosity towards us. Having previously arranged gifts of Bristol Blue Glass for curates and Team Vicars who have left, Ian was secretly hoping to receive a piece of Bristol Blue Glass by which to remember you all. However, we could never have imagined such a beautiful piece as the one presented to us, and the incredible artistic skill displayed by Chris Ainslie who engraved it. As you can see on the photograph (on the front cover) it includes engravings of each of the four churches with a cypher in the middle based on Ian’s initials. Thank you so much for such a beautiful gift.
Thank you also for the exceedingly generous cheque and for the Ministry Team’s gift of Rublev’s icon which Hywel rightly stated is Ian’s favourite and will have a special place in our new home. There are going to be quite a few expenses in setting up a new home so the financial gift will be very helpful.
We will eventually be moving to Guildford where we have family and friends nearby. The house we shall be moving to is currently undergoing renovations which have unfortunately been delayed, so you may still see us wandering around Yate for a while. When we get there, we will be approximately half-way between Heathrow and Gatwick, so if you have an early flight from either airport and need somewhere to stay the night before then please get in touch (our mobile numbers remain the same).
With our love and thanks Ian and Ruth |

Where is God? Where is God? “God is everywhere, just look!” But where? In a Church, in the Holy Book? Begin your search in the depths of your heart, Explore your feelings, that’s where you should start. Ask for direction, and see where it could lead, This clarity may be what you need. Hold your faith, the encounter will come, Faith fortified, heart beating like a drum. Widen your search, take the time to look around, And with focused eyes, He will be found.
By Bekah Hopkins — August 2024 |
Services throughout the Parish
Sunday 3rd November 4th Sunday before Advent—Gold/White Isaiah 25.6-9 Revelation 21.1-6a John 11.32-44
St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am All Age Service 6.30pm All Souls Service
St Nix 9.30am Communion
St James 11.00am Communion 4.00pm All Souls Service
St Peter 4.00pm All Souls Service
Sunday 10th November—Remembrance Sunday 3rd Sunday before Advent—Red/Green Jonah 3.1-5,10 Hebrews 9.24-end Mark 1.14-20
St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.00am Remembrance Day Service 6.30pm 630 Praise
St Nix 10.00am Remembrance Day Service
St James 10.00am Remembrance Day Service
St Peter 4.00pm Act of Remembrance Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 17th November 2nd Sunday before Advent—Red/Green Daniel 12.1-3 Hebrews 10.11-25 Mark 13.1-8
St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm 630 Praise
St Nix 9.30am Communion
St James 11.00am Communion
St Peter 4.00pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 24th November Sunday before Advent—Red/White Daniel 7.9-10,13-14 Revelation 1.4b-8 John 18.33-37
St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion 6.30pm 630 Praise
St Nix 9.30am Morning Worship
St James 11.00am Morning Worship
St Peter 4.00pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Note the new service times for all four churches.
St Nix Gift Service Sunday December 8th @ 9.30am. On Sunday December 8th at our 9.30am service we will be collecting gifts for the Marmalade Trust in Bristol who are making up to 250 hampers for their volunteers to distribute to isolated and vulnerable older people living alone in the area.
They have asked for donations of either Terry’s chocolate oranges and/or Crossword / Puzzle books (large print please). |
Tree Festival Prayer
The tree with its open branches ready to welcome
The green everlasting
The decorations lovingly placed
The twinkling lights to guide our way
We pray that the Tree Festival will be a place of welcome to all
A place, in the hustle and bustle to stop, enjoy, laugh, talk, reflect
A time to remind ourselves ‘what is Christmas!’ What does it mean to us?
We pray that your presence will be felt and that this church may provide a place of community and love.
By Claire Hayward, 2024 |

Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s Church
As I write this article about the Christmas Tree Festival we are enjoying some welcome days of long-overdue autumn sunshine, the great British weather affording us one last treat before winter sets in, when our thoughts and plans for the forthcoming season of Advent begin in earnest.
But it’s only a few weeks until our festival opening evening, so you need to know what is going on during the festival in order to keep those all-important dates free.
We are pleased to welcome back our friends from Apollo Wind Band who will headline our opening evening concert on Friday 29th November, performing a mixture of traditional and seasonal numbers. Come along to enjoy the music and be among the first to view the wonderful trees, each one individually decorated and complemented by a variety of displays echoing this year’s festival theme of ‘Christmas is…?’. Tickets £7 for adults, including a glass of wine or soft drink and nibbles. Children under 16 free.
What’s on during the festival? The festival will be open to the public from 10.30am to 3.30pm on Saturday 30th November and Saturday 7th December with a wide variety of musical interludes by local groups on both days (full details available via Yate Parish website). Refreshments will be available throughout the day including a light lunch of homemade soup and roll or hot dogs.
A crafting table offering activities for all ages will be available on both Saturdays and is always a very popular stop-off!
The church will be open to the public throughout the week of the festival, although access may be restricted at certain times. More details are available via Yate Parish website or by
calling the Parish Office on 01454 313105.
The tree festival is just one way in which our church community reaches out to the wider community of Yate and beyond during this special time of year. Since its inception nine years ago the festival’s aim and focus has always been to involve and engage with as wide a cross-section of the local community as possible, helping to bring them the true meaning and message of Christmas. The festival is a wonderful opportunity for fun, for music and dance and for meeting with friends old and new; it is also for reflecting and remembering those no longer able to join us at this time. Please put the dates in your diary and come and experience the sights and sounds of Christmas with us at St Mary’s – we make a wonderful cuppa and mince pie!
Fundraising during the festival will be shared 50/50 between
* St Mary’s Church Refurbishment Projects – ensuring its use for and by the wider community may continue for many years to come
* Yate Foodbank – supporting their ongoing work in providing much-needed day-to-day support for local individuals and families in times of financial crisis.
Daytime entry to our festival is FREE, but throughout the festival there will be an opportunity to donate towards our fundraising, financially and by bringing much-needed items for Yate Foodbank to our collection point at St Mary’s (a list of the most needed items will be available nearer the time).
The festival has grown each year and is a fantastic opportunity for individuals, organisations and local businesses to be part of a Christmas celebration and community event whilst raising funds for local good causes. We are always on the lookout for new sponsors.
It is very simple to get involved. Please contact the parish office at or call 01454 313105.
Prepare for Christmas in Westerleigh
· Wreaths
We are taking bookings for our two wreath-making workshops led by Di Coslett. These will take place on Friday and Saturday 22nd and 23rd November, from 10am till around midday. The price is held at £12pp and includes all materials and refreshments.
To book a place at one of these sessions, or to order a wreath, please call Kathryn (01454 318157).
· Yule logs
Kathryn will be making gluten-free chocolate Yule logs to order, for delivery before 15th December for you to freeze. Unfortunately costs have risen significantly since these were originally offered, and our price this year is £15.
· Christmas Fair
The Christmas Fair will take place in St James on Saturday 30th November from midday till 3pm. |
Winter service time at St Peter’s
St. Peter’s Church Wapley has been called the Church on the Hill because on a good day there is a spectacular view down to the River Severn. We are fortunate that the Parish Council looks after the graveyard where biodiversity is valued. For generations people have come to this church throughout the year and the small current congregation continue this tradition. We follow the seasons: once the clocks change in the autumn our services take place at 4.00pm and in the Spring when the clocks change again the service time moves back to 6.30pm. The only exception to this rule is the Sunrise Easter Service held outside the church. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome. |

Women’s Empowerment and Equality
Mothers’ Union have recently launched a new campaign calling for Women’s Literacy to be given a high priority in the world. The government is committed to the promotion of the education of girls, but the number of women in the world who are illiterate, for many reasons, is staggering.
Mothers’ Union Literacy and Numeracy Projects in the world, particularly in Burundi, one of the poorest countries, have proved life changing, empowering women to become leaders and have an equal standing in their families and communities. This leads to a reduction in Domestic Abuse and Violence against women, particularly in communities where this is inherent.
Find out more about the campaign ‘EMPOWER HER LITERACY’ at
As ever, our 16 days of Activism against gender-based violence and domestic abuse begin on 25th November, with a Global Day of Action on 30th November. Watch out for more information about how you could get involved.
A Prayer May our championing of women’s equality and empowerment provide women with the means to lift themselves up in their communities, highlighting God’s restoration of human dignity in relationships, based on love and justice, not domination. Amen
Jacky Fredrickson MUDP Bristol 07501670265

ARUK Eco-Tips for November
Green your home. Combat climate change and reduce heating costs by identifying and sealing drafts around your home. Find the gaps that let the cold air in and warm air out (think keyholes, letterboxes, cracks around the edges or bottoms of windows and doors, loft hatches, floorboards, etc.) and fix these gaps using the correct materials and online tutorials. Additionally, place foil or radiator panels to reflect heat into your room. Pray for those who might be experiencing the cold this winter

Find out more
about The
Connection and Those Vicar Blokes on our website at yateparish,org
under the heading
Explore our Faith

Morning prayer in Yate Parish
Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.
Weekly at St Mary’s
Thursday Communion at 10.00am
Compline @8pm
Before the lockdown happened, we had recorded the saying of Compline. We ask that each evening at 8pm we light a candle in our window and pray together for our nation using the words of the Compline service - it takes just over 5 minutes.
Visit the parish website and click on the recordings to listen; you will find the words of the service there too.
Useful Contacts |
Acting Team Rector:
Rev Hywel Snook
Associate Minister:
Rev Joanne Hodge
07758 648 264
Associate Minister:
Dave Jones
07737 529 687
Associate Minister:
Rev Captain Wanda Morris
01454 326103
Youth & Families Minister:
Parish Office: (Pam Brown)
01454 313 105 / 07398 709515
Opening hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri 9.00am-12.30pm
Closed on Thursday
St Nix Office: (Sue Harrison)
01454 324 712
Opening hours:
Mon—Thurs 9.00-11.30am
Church Wardens (St Mary’s):
John Cornforth - 01454 315 331
Claire Hayward - 07875 520 238
Church Warden (St Nix):
Helen Belcher - 07891 815 868
Church Warden (St James’):
June Powell
01454 315 568
Michaela MacKenzie
07974 094449
Church Warden (St Peter’s):
Henry Shiles - 07776 205583
LLM Diocesan Reader:
Norma Felstead
07747 781429
Craft Group: St Mary’s
Jo Horler
01454 881 434
Monthly Coffee Morning:
St Mary’s
(2nd Tuesday each month)
Mike Willis - 01454 312 663
Mothers’ Union: St Mary’s
Louisa Dent
07917 320 475
Parish Safeguarding Officer:
Beverley Hodgson
07913 387 478
Parish Giving Scheme:
To set up or amend your regular giving call 0333 002 1271
