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Pastoral Care for the Community in Fromeside

In response to the Covid pandemic, Fromeside have set up various support services to care for the wider community.

Listening Team

We have a team of 10 trained Listeners who are here to support anyone who is struggling and needs to share their worries and concerns. Whilst this team primarily offers people a listening ear, helping folks to feel less lonely and isolated, they are often able to signpost you to people who can help you specifically with your needs.

Pastoral Visitors

Team of volunteers who are happy to visit people in their homes for a chat and to offer what support they can. Some of the team are happy to be walk buddies enabling you to get out into the fresh air or assist if you struggle to get to key places like the shops.

Home Communions

We have a team of trained ministers who are happy to bring you Holy Communion at home, especially if you are not well and unable to get to church or if you are struggling with your confidence at this time of Pandemic and are not yet ready to return to church. Receiving Holy Communion can help to keep you connected spiritually with the church family and compliments being able to join the services online.

Bereavement Support

We have a trained team who are happy to support you if you have recently been bereaved. They can help by walking alongside you as you work through your grief.

Mental Health First Aiders

We have three trained Listeners/Ministers who are able to support you if you are struggling with your Mental Health. They are trained to listen and help signpost you to where you can get further help and support.

Pause for Thought

Pause for Thought is a time of Mindfulness and reflection when we enable people to just enjoy the sacred spaces which are our Parish Churches. We use music, readings, poetry and silence to help us focus on our own well being at difficult times and in facing up to life issues and concerns. There is a time of fellowship over refreshment for you to catch up with others if you wish. Keep an eye on social media and the website for details.

All these areas of Pastoral Care are there for your support, please don’t hesitate to contact either Fr Malcolm Strange, Fr Bob Conway or Kathryn in the Benefice office if you would like a visit or if you personally need our help and support in some way.


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