Services in September 2020
Services throughout the Parish
Sunday 6 September
Trinity 13—GREEN
Ezekiel 33:7-11 Romans 13:8-end Matthew 18:15-20
St Mary
10.00am Morning Worship (also live stream)
6.30pm 630 Praise—online only
St Nix
10.30am Holy Communion
St James
10.30am Holy Communion
St Peter
6.30pm Book of Common Prayer
1662 Evensong
Sunday 13 September
Trinity 14—GREEN
Genesis 50:15-21 Romans 14:1-12 Matthew 18:21-35
St Mary
10.00am Holy Communion (also live stream)
6.30pm 630 Praise—online only
St Nix
10.30am Morning Worship
St James
10.30am Morning Worship
St Peter
6.30pm Holy Communion Book of
Common Prayer 1662
Sunday 20 September
Trinity 15—GREEN
Jonah 3:10-4:end Philippians 1:21-end Matthew 20:1-16
St Mary
10.00am Morning Worship (also live stream)
6.30pm 630 Praise - online only
St Nix
10.30am Holy Communion
St James
10.30am Holy Communion
St Peter
6.30pm Book of Common Prayer
1662 Evensong
Sunday 27 September
Trinity 16—GREEN
Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-end Philippians 2:1-13 Matthew 21:23-32
St Mary
10.00am Holy Communion (also live stream)
6.30pm 630 Praise - online only
St Nix
10.30am Morning Worship
St James
10.30am Morning Worship
St Peter
6.30pm Holy Communion Book of
Common Prayer 1662