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Time with God a weekly reflection

The Prayer Stream is a small group of people from our churches, who are committed to praying for the outworking of the Mission Area partnership of Fromeside Benefice and Yate Parish, in all its diversity throughout its community. We believe that Prayer undergirds everything we do and are, as a community of seekers of the Christian faith.

During the lockdown due to the pandemic, Prayer has continued in a very proactive and creative way- from online to public ‘restricted’ service provision, confidential prayer chain- to a landline phone connection for those without WiFi. This weekly phone in ‘Time with God’ - not a chat line, has been a successful ‘extra’ resource presented ‘live’ by various members of our team- Wanda, MIKKI and myself, and a sample is now available for you to listen.

As we mention every week- if there is anything from the prayer/reflection that affects you to discuss further, then leave your contact details at either the Yate or Fromeside Parish office, and someone will contact you.

Please lookout for more prayer resources during the coming months, to help build up our common missional purpose, of growing in faith and purpose in the strength of Jesus Christ.

True prayer practice comes from within, from the longing of the heart- at any time,

any place, then the desire grows to ask God for help.

A quote from Mother Teresa;

“if you want to pray must pray more!”

A prayer from St.Augustine of Hippo:

Grant me, even me, my dearest Lord,

To know you, and love you, and rejoice in you.

Let the love of you grow every day, more and more, that my joy may be full in you. Amen

As lockdown restrictions beginning to ease, we might face some apprehension about mixing after months of social distancing.

A prayer for daily time with God.

Father God, help me to live this day to the full, being true to you in every way.

Jesus help me to give myself away to others, being conscious of those of whom I’m not able to have close contact at the moment. May I consider others through word and deed, and not to feel guilty in my distancing, but to make good choices.

Spirit, help me to see the value of committing more time to pray, to spend time in your presence. Through my love for life in all its goodness.

Listen to a 10min podcast of Time with God by Julia:


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