Wanda's Ordination

At 3pm on Saturday 2nd July Wanda is going to be ordained as a priest in Bristol Cathedral. Now that all COVID restrictions have been lifted anyone is entitled to attend to celebrate this moment with Wanda and to wish her well. It would be sensible to try to arrive by 2.30pm because the later you arrive the further back in the Cathedral you will be and you might not get a good view!
Wanda will then be celebrating her first Communion the following morning (3rd July) at the 10.30am service at St. Nix. Following that service at 12.30pm we will be having a Parish lunch to celebrate the occasion. The lunch is open to everyone but please can you let Pam know in the Parish Office if you are intending to come so that we have a rough idea of how many to cater for. Pam can be contacted on 313105 or by e-mail at parishoffice@yateparish.org.uk.
Please also pray for Wanda as she goes away on her pre-ordination retreat and prepares for this momentous moment in her life, that God will bless her greatly and through her bless her family and the rest of us through her ministry.