Whats on at Fromeside Messy Church
Dear Friends
I hope this email finds you all well
Don't forget our service this Sunday at 11am, https://www.fromesidechurches.org.uk/messages-resources-for-the-current-crisis/ yes we have hymns again what a treat!!!
Also for those of you with Children or who just want to feel young, please check out the Messy Church page right now if you have not already https://fromesidemessychurch.wordpress.com/ as Jo leads this month's session with a clear Easter theme and there is even an action song for you all to join in with.
Please don't hesitate to contact Jo or I at the Rectory if you need anything or if you think of anyone we can help and support as a Benefice at this difficult time for us all
God Bless everyone and do take care out there
Fr Malcom