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Yate Parish & Mission Area Survey

As part of our planning for next year across the Mission Area we would like to find out a little more about how you have coped with the Covid-19 restrictions and which of the resources that we have produced you have found most helpful. It is now looking as though restrictions on church life may continue throughout the winter until next Easter so your feedback will help us greatly in knowing where to invest our effort in the New Year.

In order to gain your feedback we have designed a very simple survey of 14 questions which will take you between 5 - 7 minutes to complete (I have already done it myself in that time). Please can I ask you to click on the link below and complete the survey for us. We need you to complete it before Monday 16th November so that we have time to analyse the results. You can complete it on a computer, phone or tablet, but if you would prefer a printed copy, please contact Pam in the Parish Office.

The link is:

You will be asked to enter a password which is MASurvey? - the question make is an important part of the password.

Thank you,

Ian Wallace


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