August / September E-Magazine 2022
In this edition:
August Reflection
Walking Together with God, Tuesday 13th Sept at 7.30pm, St Nix
Sharing the Peace at Church
Ride + Stride
Harvest at Home
All-Age Service
Mothers' Union News
St James this autumn
St Mary's Christmas Tree Festival 2022
Supper & Quiz Night at St Mary's, 7pm Friday 30th September
Services throughout the Parish
Group Meetings
Dates for your Diary
Please click below for a printable copy of the magazine:
August Reflection
‘I will give thanks to you Lord, with all of my heart; I will tell of your wonderful deeds.’ ‘I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praises of your name, O Most High.’ When I reflect on these verses from Psalm 9, I realise how they have impacted throughout my life; from my earliest memories of Jesus always being part of our family, through childhood simple answered prayers and conversations with both Jesus and each other; remembering my Nan telling how blessed we were that her Jewish Grandad married a Christian; realising how important it was to read the Old Testament to understand the New; going to Church as a family in the morning and then Chapel Sunday school afternoon. Later on in my life in Weston-super-Mare going from one church to another with friends each Sunday; going to beach services throughout summer, collecting children to join St Michaels Guild on Fridays for Bible Study and Youth Club. I remember singing “Oh Jesus I have Promised” aged eleven, realising I really meant the words then plaguing the Vicar to let me be confirmed and how important Holy Communion became. After marriage and children, then having Catholic foster children, needing to attend a Non Denominational Church for many years with so much Bible learning, praying together and having fun. Then moving to Yate I started attending St Nix and it felt like coming home, and here I became involved in the Sunday School. I have never been mocked for my faith, often challenged and questioned but with respect. My husband has stopped saying “ Don’t talk about God or Church” when going out, because it just happens. It is those happenings that have often been needed and appreciated, when waiting for operations, in times of stress and illness and in times of joy. I see Jesus speaking through others (and myself) when needed.
Jesus isn’t just part of my life, Jesus is my life; the one constant when all around changes, never leaving me even when I may have distanced myself from Him. Living as a child in a village where we knew everyone, at the seaside, in town and finally in Yate; in times of loneliness, difficulty and sorrow there has been always something to be thankful for because of Jesus. I have found that always, not only needing but wanting to praise God, thanking Him for Jesus’ life and mine. ‘I will give thanks to you Lord, with all of my heart; I will tell of your wonderful deeds.’
Ros Bailey

Walking Together with God
Tuesday 13 Sept at 7.30pm in St Nix
Over the last year we have held two events where all the Home Groups came together to celebrate our walk with God. In February we held an Agape Meal in St Mary’s where we shared a meal and talked about the joys and challenges of home groups. We are holding another Walking Together with God event at St Nix on 13 September at 7.30 pm. There will be a communion service celebrated by David Jones, the newly appointed Discipleship lead for the mission area. Afterwards we will host tea and cakes and share our home group programme up until Christmas. If you are part of a home group or just want to learn more about them, please come along - everyone is welcome.

Sharing the Peace at Church
Sharing the peace at communion is an ancient practice of all the old Christian churches. Jesus commanded: ‘If herefore you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.’ (Matthew 5 v23-24) In the ancient church this meant sharing the kiss of peace on the lips. Over the centuries the peace was dropped from the communion service across many different denominations. From the mid-19th to 20th centuries many ancient practices were revived, one of which is the sharing of the peace; others include the Easter Celebration on Easter Saturday and giving a candle at Baptism. These revived customs started small and gradually became common practice in nearly all churches. Other practices we think of as ancient, such as Harvest Festival and pews, were actually introduced by the Victorians. Clergy haven’t always been good at explaining why we do certain things, so many of us don’t know why we share the peace. The Covid pandemic has given us a chance to reflect on why we share the peace and how we should share it with each other. Why do we share the peace? * To make up with people we have fallen out with before we go to communion, just as Jesus commands us. * To recognise that Jesus is within each person we meet no matter who they are. ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25 v40)
How to share the peace? * In our culture we don’t kiss each other on the lips. In England peace has been shown by shaking with the right hand to show you are unarmed. In monasteries they share the clasp, a type of hug. If we are to recognise Jesus within each other, we must be sensitive to others: some people like hugs while others don’t. If you’re not sure it’s best to offer a handshake. * The peace is a ritual which we share with those immediately around us. We all like some people more than others, but the purpose of the peace is to recognise Jesus in everyone, including the person next to you. The ritual of the peace makes this point that Jesus is in everyone. * The people we should seek out at the peace are those we need to make up with because we have fallen out with them We are reintroducing the peace on 31 July at the parish communion. We will ask parishioners to share the peace with those immediately around them, staying in their places. We suggest offering a handshake unless you know that the person next to you wants a hug. Finally, we need to recognise that not everyone will want to shake hands, so please be aware and sensitive to those around you.

GHCT – not just Ride+Stride Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust helps to look after church buildings in Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire and North Bristol, a region with over 620 historic churches, chapels and meeting houses. The buildings are very diverse, but each has a story to tell in the history of its community. Over its 40+ years in existence the Trust has supported countless communities in carrying out work to repair, conserve or install new facilities in their churches. They typically offer grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 towards each project they approve. And their role extends beyond the funding to encouragement and advice. Alongside legacies and donations, the main source of the Trust’s funds is the money raised each September through the Ride+Stride campaign. The name reflects the main fund-raising effort, which is a sponsored tour of some of the area’s churches, whether on foot, horseback, by bicycle or even by car, but it has now expanded to encompass all sorts of fund-raising events. We at St James have taken part in Ride+Stride for several years now, at first by doing a sponsored walk, and more recently by offering a breakfast in church and asking for sponsorship of the team of cooks and servers. This year you can do both – come along to Westerleigh for a cooked breakfast on Saturday 10 September, then join a group setting off for a sponsored walk at 11 o’clock. Sponsor forms will be available in all our churches in August so that you can badger your family and friends for support! (Note: the walk is not compulsory, you’re welcome just to enjoy the breakfast as usual.) This year’s Ride+Stride at St Mary’s incorporates a Wobble+Toddle as well as a picnic starting at 11am.

Harvest at Home
In addition to the Harvest Auction in Westerleigh on 24 September, this year we are exploring many different ways of celebrating harvest. Yate has many different neighbourhoods with diverse needs: to reflect this we are asking local Christians to plan small events serving their area or specific groups. For example, last year the Pilgrim group held a barbeque in the park (or more specifically Sally’s garden because it rained). This was a great opportunity to celebrate Harvest and ask other people to join us. Is there a need in your local area? Could you hold a small harvest meal for your neighbours? Are you part of a church or community group that could hold a harvest event? St Nix and St Mary’s are holding their harvest festival on 2 October, supporting the Wild Goose homeless charity. We are aiming for the harvest events to take place between 16 September and 2 October. For more information or if you would like to organise an event contact Hywel.
All-Age service, 10.30am on Sunday 7 Aug and 4 September, St Mary’s
Don’t forget the all-age service at St Mary’s Church on the first Sunday each month. Bring the whole family to this interactive worship and all-age inspiring Bible teaching, games and activities. If you want to know more about our all-age services please contact

Mothers’ Union News
Hello Everyone,
By now teachers and children will be taking a break from school. May the weather be kind to them all. Mothers’ Union will pray that they return rested and refreshed for the start of a new School year in September.
But Mothers’ Union members will be busy.
Tuesday 9 August marks the anniversary of our founder, Mary Sumner, and all around the world our members will be celebrating. Our branch here in Yate will mark this day with Prayers and a Picnic in the field behind St Saviour’s Church in Coalpit Heath, starting at 11.30am. You would be very welcome to join us, please bring your own picnic and a chair. Full details can be found on our website.
We are also busy knitting pairs of hearts for our Bags of Love Project, for Reception mums at St Mary’s school. If you would like to help to create these bags or knit some hearts, please contact Lyn on 01454 323928
We will be meeting twice in September:
Friday 9 September - Wave of prayer. We will meet to pray for our sisters and brothers around the world. Time to be confirmed. Again, full details can be found on our website.
Thursday 15 September we will be meeting at St Nix Church at Abbotswood at 1.30pm. (This time may change.) for chatting and catch up after the summer break. All are welcome to join us. Any alteration to start time will be on our website.
Plans are underway to participate in our Diocesan and Global
campaigns against Modern Day Slavery, and Domestic abuse and Gender based violence. More information about this next month. Blessings. Jacquie Jones/Branch Leader 01454 318008. Yate Mothers’ Union Website. Bristol MU website:
St James this autumn
With the harvest season nearly upon us we have booked our auctioneer Rob for the annual Harvest Auction to be held in The New Inn, Westerleigh, on Saturday 24 September starting at 7pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to acquire the largest marrow or tastiest beetroot, freshly harvested, as well as chutneys, jams and cakes. All the proceeds go towards our church enhancement project. The Harvest Festival service will take place in St James on Sunday 25 September, after the auction, so the gifts at the service should be dry goods (packets and tins) to be donated to the Food Bank. Another date for your diary: the Autumn Supper and Quiz will be held in Westerleigh Village Hall on Saturday 19 November. Look out for more details in the October magazine.

St Mary’s Christmas Tree Festival 2022
As I write this article the weather forecasters are predicting the daytime temperature may rise over the coming days to a record UK high of 40 degrees centigrade! It seems contrary to be thinking about plans for Christmas and our annual tree festival at St Mary’s, but time waits for no man, so early planning is a must!! Coincidentally in this Jubilee year, we have chosen a ‘trees’ theme for our 2022 Festival and will be combining our familiar display of sponsored trees in church with artworks featuring trees. The festival will run from Saturday 3 December and conclude on Saturday 10 December with an evening concert of seasonal music by our friends the Apollo Wind Band. Our opening evening on Friday 2 December will also feature the return of some of our most popular entertainers – look out for more information during September and October as details are confirmed. As in previous years we are inviting organisations, businesses, individuals, schools etc to sponsor the trees; there will only be thirty trees available on a first-come basis, so if you or somebody you know are interested, please contact the organisers. All sponsorship and donations will be shared on a 50:50 basis between St Mary’s Church and our charity for this year, Blonde Angel Street Team. The Team was formed in Bristol in 2019 by two people each carrying five survival backpacks. It is a group of volunteers with one common goal: to help homeless people on the streets. They collect and distribute kindly-donated essential supplies to the homeless at a weekly Sunday drop in Broadmead, Bristol, including hot food, hot drinks, snacks, toiletries, clothing, sleeping bags and various other items. St Mary’s church is a busy hub for a variety of community outreach projects for all age groups across all days of the week, from coffee mornings and craft groups to school assemblies, church services and support groups. Our fundraising goes towards ensuring that St Mary’s can continue to be used as a vital and vibrant community facility now and in the future, and continuing to Make Jesus Visible. If you would like to show your support for these two charities by sponsoring a tree, making a donation, joining our programme of weekend entertainment (singing, dancing etc), please contact the Tree Festival Team by emailing or calling 01454 882230
Supper & Quiz Night at St Mary’s 7pm Friday 30 September
This will be held in the Church. Teams of 8. £7.00 per person For tickets please contact Heather on 01454 326 049
Services throughout the Parish
Sunday 7 August 8th Sunday after Trinity—Green Genesis 15:1-6 Hebrews 11:1-3.8-16 Luke 12:32-40 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am All-Age Service St Nix 10.30am Communion St James 10.30am Communion St Peter 6.30pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 14 August 9th Sunday after Trinity—Green Jeremiah 23:23-29 Hebrews 11:29-12.2 Luke 12:49-56 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion St Nix 10.30am Morning Worship St James 10.30am Morning Worship St Peter 6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 21 August 10th Sunday after Trinity—Green Isaiah 58:9b-end Hebrews 12:18-end Luke 13:10-17 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Morning Worship St Nix 10.30am Communion St James 10.30am Communion St Peter 6.30pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 28 August 11th Sunday after Trinity—Green Proverbs 25:6-7 Hebrews 13:1-8,15-16 Luke 14:1,7-14 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion St Nix 10.30am Morning Worship St James 10.30am Morning Worship St Peter 6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 4 September 12th Sunday after Trinity—Green Deuteronomy 30:15-end Philemon 1-21 Luke 14:25-33 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am All-Age Service 6.30pm 630Praise St Nix 10.30am Communion St James 10.30am Communion St Peter 6.30pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer) Sunday 11 September 13th Sunday after Trinity—Green Exodus 32:7-14 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion 6.30pm 630Praise St Nix 10.30am Morning Worship St James 10.30am Morning Worship St Peter 6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 18 September 14th Sunday after Trinity—Green Amos 8:4-7 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 16:1-13 St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm 630Praise St Nix 10.30am Communion St James 10.30am Communion St Peter 6.30pm Evening Worship (Book of Common Prayer) Sunday 25 September 15th Sunday after Trinity—Green Amos 6:1a.4-7 1 Timothy 6:6-19 Luke 16:19-end St Mary 8.15am Communion 10.30am Communion 6.30pm 630Praise St Nix 10.30am Morning Worship St James 10.30am Harvest Thanksgiving St Peter 6.30pm Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Mammas Club
Join a community of women in St Mary’s Church at 11am every Friday (term time only). Mammas Club is a drop in café for you and your family. Come along and enjoy the company of other women on the journey of parenthood. We will have tea, coffee and light bites!
Dates for your Diary
Saturday 13 August 9-11am St James - Village Breakfast Saturday 10 September 9-11am St James - Village Breakfast 11am—Ride+Stride Saturday 10 September 11am—Ride+Stride and Wobble+Toddle with picnic at St Mary’s Saturday 24 September 7.00pm St James - Harvest Auction New Inn Westerleigh
Sunday 25 September 10.30am St James - Harvest Festival Friday 30 September 7pm St Mary’s - Quiz Night Sunday 30 October All Souls Service Sunday 13 November Remembrance Sunday Saturday 19 November St James Autumn Supper & Quiz

Morning prayer in Yate Parish
Do you find prayer a little difficult? Would you like some inspiration? Go to the Yate Parish Facebook page to join in Morning Prayer led by our ministry team. You can watch live at 7.30am Monday to Saturday, or watch at any time later in the day. Many people have found it a great start to their day.
Weekly at St Mary’s
Thursday Communion at 10.00am
Compline @8pm
Before the lockdown happened, we had recorded the saying of Compline. We ask that each evening at 8pm we light a candle in our window and pray together for our nation using the words of the Compline service - it takes just over 5 minutes.
Visit the parish website and click on the recordings to listen; you will find the words of the service there too.
