Ian's message to the parish as we begin Lockdown
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Once again, we find ourselves in lockdown and unable to gather together for public worship. Having listened to some of your stories from the last lockdown, I am acutely aware how difficult these times are, especially for those of you who live alone and who don’t have access to the internet.
Your care is our primary concern and this time around we are much better prepared to support you both practically and in prayer. Lockdown’s can cause us all anxiety and we now have a team of trained ‘Listeners’ who are there to help you, even if all you want is just to chat with someone for a while. If we can be of help in this way please don’t hesitate to contact Joanne Hodge on 07758 648264 and she will put you in touch with one of our Listeners.
In addition, Joanne has put together a booklet of Spiritual Resources for you to use at home. To download the resources the link at the bottom of the page.
The churches will also be open at various times during the week if you wish to go in for private prayer. However, please ensure that you maintain appropriate social distancing if anyone else is in the church at the same time as you.
You should receive a call from a member of the Ministry Team over the next week or so to check how you are doing and before the end of the month we will send you a copy of the December magazine in which we hope to be able to give some idea of our plans from Christmas. We are doing all we can to ensure that we can still celebrate the birth of Jesus through our churches and we will let you have more information in due course.
In the meantime, please look after yourself and please keep in touch. If you are feeling lonely and isolated please don’t hesitate to get on the phone to Joanne and one of us will get back to you just as quickly as we can.
Yours Truely
Ian Wallace