St Nix Christmas Gift Toy Drop
Please read the message below from Anne White, Church Warden at St Nix, regarding a Christmas Gift Toy drop.

At St Nix we usually have a Giving Tree where labels are hung with children's ages and people buy a toy appropriate to that age group. This year we have been unable to have a tree but would still like to collect gifts for children. The gifts will be taken to Nextlink- changing the face of domestic abuse support services. If you would like to buy a toy, please do not wrap it and do not buy anything that requires batteries. We are hoping to have a service of worship on 6th December when gifts can be dropped off. However, if the service does not take place, or people are unable to attend, Sue Harrison in the office at St Nix has said she is happy for people to come by to drop off gifts as she is coming into the office most mornings, but it might be sensible if people ring the office ahead of coming over to avoid a wasted journey. She will leave the doors unlocked at an agreed time and people can walk straight in and there will be a box for donations.
Many thanks.