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This week at Yate Parish (from Sunday 3rd April)

Sunday Services

St Mary's Church: Communion at 8.15 am

St Mary's Church: Morning Worship & Sunburst at 10.30 am

St Nix Church: Communion at 10.30 am 🎥 (livestream available, please click here)

St James' Church: Communion at 10.30 am

St Peter's: Evening Worship (book of Common Prayer) at 6.30pm

Mid Week Services

St Mary's : Thursday: Communion at 10am - followed by coffee


You can access the Sunday Service and 6:30 Praise on the same site (livestream available, please click here)


Click here to see upcoming events.

St James Coffee Morning - every Wednesday at 10am

Lent with a Difference, Reflective Walks starting on 9th March - please click here for more details

Lent 2022 - please click here for more details

Westerleigh Village Breakfast, Sat 9th April, please click here for more details.


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